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  1. #751
    Thailand Expat MrG's Avatar
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    Saturday, Aug 3, 2013 07:00 AM PDT
    10 worst examples of Christian or far-right terrorism
    Conservatives claim that all terrorists are Muslim, but most violent attacks in the US are carried out by white men
    This article originally appeared on Alternet.
    From Fox News to the Weekly Standard, neoconservatives have tried to paint terrorism as a largely or exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Their message of Islamophobia has been repeated many times since the George W. Bush era: Islam is inherently violent, Christianity is inherently peaceful, and there is no such thing as a Christian terrorist or a white male terrorist. But the facts don’t bear that out. Far-right white male radicals and extreme Christianists are every bit as capable of acts of terrorism as radical Islamists, and to pretend that such terrorists don’t exist does the public a huge disservice. Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev and the late Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev (the Chechen brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013) are both considered white and appear to have been motivated in part by radical Islam. And many terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who were neither Muslims nor dark-skinned.
    When white males of the far right carry out violent attacks, neocons and Republicans typically describe them as lone-wolf extremists rather than people who are part of terrorist networks or well-organized terrorist movements. Yet many of the terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists. In fact, most of the terrorist activity occurring in the United States in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from a combination of radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.
    Below are 10 of the worst examples of non-Islamic terrorism that have occurred in the United States in the last 30 years.
    Details aplenty at: rrorism_partner/

  2. #752
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    I strongly disagree with this nonsense. This is nothing more than PC manufactured bullshit. All religions suck ass but Christianity is far more evolved then islam. Tens of thousands of women have their faces burned off with acid, their clits cut out, are raped and then charged with a crime.

    No you should be ashamed for posting this apologist dribble.

  3. #753
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    All religions suck ass but Christianity is far more evolved then islam. Tens of thousands of women have their faces burned off with acid, their clits cut out, are raped and then charged with a crime.
    True enough, but the actions of a few don't make a whole religeon.
    It seems to me this list makes that apparrent by noting that the actions of a few Christians don't make a whole religion, just as a declaration that Christianity is more evolved than Islam is only a declaration.
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    This is nothing more than PC manufactured bullshit.
    How is this PC...?
    How is this manufactured?
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    No you should be ashamed for posting this apologist dribble.
    I'm surprised at your vitriol for what seems to be a straightforward post. Speaking of dribble, if all you've got to end your manufactured rant is defensive rhetorical posturing, then that's all you've got?

  4. #754
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrG
    True enough, but the actions of a few don't make a whole religeon.
    The actions of a few condoned by many.

  5. #755
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    03-08-2015 @ 10:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    I strongly disagree with this nonsense. This is nothing more than PC manufactured bullshit. All religions suck ass but Christianity is far more evolved then islam. Tens of thousands of women have their faces burned off with acid, their clits cut out, are raped and then charged with a crime.

    No you should be ashamed for posting this apologist dribble.
    Acid attacks are most common in India and Nepal. Genital mutilation of girls is a cultural practice, Islam does not condone it, and there are lots of Fatwas against it. In Sweden prostitution is legal, but it is illegal to use the service of a prostitute, the punters are being punished. Weird laws all over the world. Christianity isn't better than Islam, it's more that secularism keeps both of them in check.

  6. #756
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    07-10-2015 @ 02:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by MrG View Post
    Conservatives claim that all terrorists are Muslim, but most violent attacks in the US are carried out by white men...
    What kind of dumb comparison is that? Anyone reading beyond such a laughable opener is looking for barrels to scrape.

    Whatever keeps you happy.

  7. #757
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    Christianity is far more evolved then islam.
    what kind of non-sense is that, you little American fascist turd
    bsnub was in his cups when he wrote that. He's on a bender today...
    I would green ya if I could. Nice one.

  8. #758
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    There are a few right wing muslim domestic terrorists to deal with too, for which you all should be very scared and pay the DoHS untold amounts of money to set up domestic detention centres, which will only be used to incarcerate you redneck scum if the government wants to. But thats OK, because yo voted for Barry, nigga.

  9. #759
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    There are a few right wing muslim domestic terrorists to deal with too, for which you all should be very scared and pay the DoHS untold amounts of money to set up domestic detention centres, which will only be used to incarcerate you redneck scum if the government wants to. But thats OK, because yo voted for Barry, nigga.
    Are you drunk?

  10. #760
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    Bit early for that innit- na, just being sardonic. Your country is being stolen from under you, and all you lot can do is squabble between yerselves. The Great America of the 50's - 70's will soon be a memory, a salutory warning rather than a role model. Whodathunkit- you're the best salesmen for socialism these days.

  11. #761
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    Your country has been stolen from under you
    Fixed that.

  12. #762
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    14-09-2014 @ 04:20 PM
    Bangkok, the City of Angels!
    Vile, Racist Teabagging Twit Calls for President Obama’s Assassination (WARNING–GRAPHIC)

    Meet Christopher Lindley. According to his Facebook profile, he is from Warwick, NY and currently lives in Ecuador. Christopher has two daughters and one granddaughter. He also has his views.

    You see, Chris doesn’t much like President Obama. I’m sure he would reiterate the tired line, “It’s not the man–it’s his policies” while angrily debating with some Liberal POS about that Socialist on the throne and the many ways he is destroying America, but his Facebook profile tells it all!

    Chris doesn’t have many friends, but the ones he does have are subjected to a torrent of Chris’s outpourings against that “sand n*gger” in office! It’s not just President Obama! Chris actually feels that ALL Liberals are “n*ggers.” He also feels that we need to mobilize and respond with force against the “illegal invasion.”

    I discovered Chris in a thread on Facebook highlighting a few of his posts, accompanied by screenshots of numerous people reporting him to the FBI.

    There’s something wrong with America, and Chris knows how to fix it! Just kill anyone you don’t like!

    (Pay attention to where this whack job gets his "news")

    Christopher Lindley wants to kill President Obama

    See where this guy gets his "news"? is, I am sure an unbiased entity…

  13. #763
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    DALLAS (AP) — A Texas woman and former actress pleaded guilty Tuesday to sending ricin-laced letters to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, under a deal that her attorney has said would cap prison time at 18 years.

    Shannon Guess Richardson entered her plea in federal court in Texarkana, Texas, to a federal charge of possessing and producing a biological toxin.

    Richardson was arrested in June after authorities said she tried to implicate her estranged husband, Nathan Richardson, after he had filed for divorce. Prosecutors say Shannon Richardson mailed three letters from New Boston, outside Texarkana, then went to police and claimed that her husband had done it.


    "After he left the house, I printed the mailing labels for President Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Glaze with The Raben Group," Richardson said in the document. Glaze is director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Bloomberg's group advocating for tougher gun control.

    The letter to Obama, according to the document, read: "What's in this letter is nothing compared to what ive got in store for you mr president."

    "You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns," the letter read. "Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face."

    After mailing the letters, she admitted to trying to blame her husband and lying to authorities.

    lovely woman
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  14. #764
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    And these teabaggers have the gall to call themselves patriots

    Homeland Security warned us in 2009 that right wing extremism is on the rise–something we are seeing in recent conservative pushes to overthrow the government. The report stated, among other things, that “Heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms…may be invigorating rightwing extremist activity, specifically the white supremacist and militia movements,” as we have seen exemplified in a Tea Party attempt to construct an anti-Muslim death ray.

    Now, Three Georgia “Patriots” tried to buy pipe bombs and other explosives to aid in their effort to attack power grids, water treatment facilities, and other infrastructure. Brian Edward Cannon and Cory Robert Williamson appeared in court on Friday, and Terry Eugene Peace is due for his first appearance on Monday.

    The three are charged with conspiring to acquire firearms, pipe bombs, and thermite grenades. Between Jan 23 and Feb 15, the three militia members chatted on Facebook about plans to launch guerrilla-style attacks on government facilities, according to the FBI.

    According to a criminal complaint filed by FBI Agent Adam Roland,

    The three men participated in online chat discussions between Jan. 23 and Feb. 15 that were monitored by the FBI.

    During the online conversations they discussed using guerilla war tactics and planned to launch the attacks against the government this month. They specifically targeted several federal agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    Peace talked with an FBI “confidential human source” on Feb. 8 about getting several explosive devices, including a thermite-mix charge strong enough “to go through the engine block of a MRPA.”

    Peace told an FBI source that the pipe bombs should be constructed for “maximum fragmentation.” Peace reportedly was hoping for at least a dozen. “If he can hook us up with, say, 12 pipe bombs, that will be sweet,” the report notes the ringleader saying.

    Cannon reportedly said the group planned to start a war with the government. “Cannon claimed this action would cause mass hysteria and if enough sabotage was successful, then martial law, therefore triggering other militias to join the fight,” according to the report. “Cannon claimed too many militias were in a defensive mode and in order to get them out of the defensive posture, actions would have to take place to force martial law to be declared,” the agent’s statement said. Cannon hoped they could recruit militia members from across the county.

    The three were arrested after purchasing 12 fake pipe bombs and two thermite devices from an FBI source.

  15. #765
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    28-10-2019 @ 03:54 AM
    Right wing domestic servant returns home

  16. #766
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    Las Vegas Shooters Reportedly Had Tea Party, Bundy Ranch Ties

    As police piece together information on the Las Vegas shooters following the deaths of two police officers and one bystander, details are emerging about what may have inspired the two shooters to open fire and kill three innocent people.

    Reports are swirling that the Las Vegas shooters — a married couple new to the area in which the killings occurred — had far-right wing connections and even spent time at the Cliven Bundy ranch before the shootings.

    At this juncture, details are sketchy, and only preliminary information without context is available about the shootings. However, the Las Vegas Review Journal reports that the shooters referenced a “revolution” and may have draped victims in a “Tea Party flag” during the deadly incident.

    The paper explains:

    “The shooters… stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, ‘don’t tread on me.’… The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden, a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.”

    Neighbors of the unnamed couple suspected in the shootings say the pair were “weird,” and described them as “militant” and “obsessed with conspiracy theories.”

    Sheriff Doug Gillespie confirms the two police officers shot to death were Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31.

    Gillespie said of the killings:

    “They were ambushed… My officers were simply having lunch when the shooting started.”

    The Sheriff also said:

    “It’s a tragic day. But we will have a community to police, and we still have a community to protect. We will be out there doing it with our heads held high, but with an emptiness in our hearts.”

    According to ThinkProgress, neighbors also say that the couple allegedly involved “had a reputation for spouting racist, anti-government views, bragging about their gun collection and boasting that they’d spent time at Cliven Bundy’s ranch during a recent standoff there between armed militia members and federal government agents.”

    The site observes that this latest incident of violence in Las Vegas comes as the Department of Justice pledged to keep closer watch over domestic terror groups — with which the suspects may be linked.

    Eric Holder said just days ago:

    “We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders… Now — as the nature of the threat we face evolves to include the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet — it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home.”

    The Las Vegas shooters are believed to have taken their own lives after the Walmart shopper, who has not been identified in media reports, was shot.

    Read more at Las Vegas Shooters Reportedly Had Tea Party, Bundy Ranch Ties

  17. #767
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    28-10-2019 @ 03:54 AM
    So now it is the internets fault.
    I thought it was American Hollywood movies that glorified violence, in years gone by.

  18. #768
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    U.S. sees 300 violent attacks inspired by far right every year

    Despite the nation’s intense national focus on Islamic terrorism since 9/11, homegrown, right wing extremists have also killed dozens of Americans. The groups include white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups and anti-federalists militias. Since 2001, the number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked to an average of more than 300 a year, according to a study by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.

    A 2015 survey of U.S. law enforcement groups found they consider anti-government violent extremists to be a more severe threat than radicalized Muslims.
    U.S. sees 300 violent attacks inspired by far right every year | PBS NewsHour

  19. #769
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    law enforcement is aware of the threat the alt-right poses...

    The Signs That Right-Wing Extremists Were Growing Increasingly Dangerous

    Americans were aghast at the display of anarchy in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend, but the FBI and Department of Homeland Security had issued repeated warnings about the threats associated with newly energized right-wing extremists.

    As recently as May, the FBI and DHS issued a joint intelligence bulletin to state and local police, warning that the "white supremacist extremist movement … likely will continue to pose a threat of lethal violence over the next year."

  20. #770
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    it's past time for america to acknowledge the true existential threat it faces.

    Right-wing domestic terrorists-mac09_gilmore_post01-jpg

    In the U.S., the majority of designated terrorist groups are right-wing extremists. Why? Because they have been behind twice as many domestic terror acts as those identified as Islamist
    The right?s terrorism problem -
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Right-wing domestic terrorists-mac09_gilmore_post01-jpg  

  21. #771
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    ^ The right is the greatest threat to domestic security hands down. It is not migrants, muslims, or anything else. The next Tim Mcveigh is among us right now have no doubt.

  22. #772
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    Neo-Nazi coast guard officer accused of domestic terror plot denied bail

    A federal judge on Thursday denied bail for lieutenant Christopher Hasson, a neo-Nazi member of the US coast guard who the government says was plotting “to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country”.

    Law enforcement officers seized 15 guns and 1,000 rounds of ammunition from Hasson’s Silver Spring, Maryland, home earlier this week. Court documents quoted an email in which Hasson wrote he was “dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth”. He was arrested this week on drug and gun charges.

    Right-wing domestic terrorists-3590-jpg

    Court documents included evidence that Hasson searched online for “civil war if trump impeached” and “what if trump illegally impeached”.

    Hasson, a former US Marine, also corresponded with a white supremacist leader, said he had been a “skinhead” for more than 30 years and discussed plans to established a breakaway white homeland inside the United States, prosecutors alleged.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Right-wing domestic terrorists-3590-jpg  

  23. #773
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    In your head
    What? No IEDs? No suicide vests or car bombs?

    rank amateur

    That's not terror, that's a Juneteenth block party in South Chicago.

  24. #774
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    12-03-2019 @ 09:53 AM
    out of range
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    discussed plans to established a breakaway white homeland inside the United States, prosecutors alleged.
    Returning to the US is becoming more attractive, eh Tex.

  25. #775
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    Agents also found a hit list on Hasson’s computer of prominent Democratic Congressional leaders, activists, political organizations and MSNBC and CNN media personalities. He started the list on Jan. 19, the same day he searched Google with phrases such as, “best place in dc to see congress people” and “where in dc to (sic) congress live.”

    The list included former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke and U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston. Also on the list were U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    “Have to take serious look at appropriate individual targets, to bring greatest impact. Professors, DR’s, Politian’s, Judges, leftists in general,” Hasson wrote in a draft email on June 2, 2017. “Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch.”

    Hasson was in the Marines from 1988 to 1993 and spent about two years on active duty in the Army National Guard, prosecutors said in court filings.

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