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  1. #1
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM

    Who won the WWII, anyway?

    Soviet Union oddly missing from US-made coin ‘saluting’ WWII Allies
    23 May 2019

    A US-made collectable coin lists Britain and France among the honored US allies in WWII, but, strangely, the Soviet Union, whose Red Army delivered a crushing blow to the Nazis in Europe and fought Japan, is omitted.

  2. #2
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Trump has just won WWIII.

    In his tiny mind.

  3. #3
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    if it was not for the sacrifice of the soviets , things would have been much more painful for the rest of the world

    vive la vodka

  4. #4
    A Cockless Wonder
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    This is fookin outrageous american isolationism.

    Their coin is sporting 5 4 engine heavy bombers and every single one is a B17

    Where is the monster Short Stirling, the workmanlike Handley Page Halifax and the legendary Avro Lancaster?

    Fook these merkin fookers!

    Who won the WWII, anyway?-1335_lr-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Who won the WWII, anyway?-1335_lr-jpg  

  5. #5
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    19-01-2025 @ 09:29 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    if it was not for the sacrifice of the soviets , things would have been much more painful for the rest of the world

    vive la vodka
    It would have delayed German surrender 5 months but as with the Japanese, an A-bomb smack in the heart of Berlin would have ended the war.

  6. #6
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    19-01-2025 @ 09:29 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    France among the honored US allies in WWII
    Why the fuck are these surrender monkeys on the coin?

  7. #7
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    07-04-2021 @ 10:27 AM
    There was only one winner of WWII and that was the USA.
    Because the US was never bombed, or invaded, they were the only country left with a large, functioning economy.
    The WWII effect is now wearing off which is why the USA has slowly been losing influence and domination of the world's economy.
    Another 100 years and American exceptionalism will be exposed for the BS it really is as it becomes just another normal country among many.

  8. #8
    I am not a cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attilla the Hen View Post
    Because the US was never bombed, .
    Not strictly true.

    (just the pedant in me, as I know what your main point was)

  9. #9

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    06-02-2025 @ 08:04 AM
    Just as a matter of record:

    Pearl Harbor was bombed and Alaska was invaded.

  10. #10
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    03-10-2022 @ 11:24 AM
    ^^Plus they funded Hitler from the get-go also. U-S-A!!

  11. #11
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    The ever present controllers.

  12. #12
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Attilla the Hen View Post
    There was only one winner of WWII and that was the USA.
    Because the US was never bombed, or invaded, they were the only country left with a large, functioning economy.
    Beside the well profiting business Land and Lease, bringing the good money many years on (actually, when the UK finished their payments?)

  13. #13
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    It would have delayed German surrender 5 months
    In case the Stalingrad battle was lost, Patton would surely have sprung in...

  14. #14
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    "When the Greatest Generation won World War II, the victory set the tone for the rest of the century and established the United States as the leader of the free world. Seventy-five years later, the U.S. still stands as the beacon of freedom and democracy for all throughout the world. In remembrance of the 75th anniversary of the U.S. victory in World War II, this bill will create a commemorative coin to be issued on that anniversary in 2020. Any proceeds from the coin will go toward preserving the legacy of our veterans through the National World War II Museum, a proud New Orleans and national institution. The honor and sacrifice of America's armed forces changed the world forever, and I am proud to introduce this bill with my colleagues to honor the hard-fought victory of our World War II veterans.”
    — Majority Whip Steve Scalise
    I wonder how much of the display box will have been manufactured in china ?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    U.S. still stands as the beacon of freedom
    With less than 5% of the world's population yet 25% of the world's prisoners. Land of the free.

  16. #16
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    Who won the WWII, anyway?
    I'd say, we all did.

    Interesting thoughts though, supposed that Germany got a good grip on nukes, or succeeded in occupying the West and Japan had succeeded in occupying the East, would they have been able to amiably split the new world, or would they have duked it out 'till there was only "one" winner?

    And, if the entire world was united under a single ruling power, would we, in fact, be better off?

    Is the utopia of "world peace" an attainable goal, or a fantasy pipe dream?

  17. #17
    A Cockless Wonder
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    Russia was the winner of WWII.

    The only country to walk away with massive territorial gains in the form of soviet control over almost all of eastern Europe and a staegically invaluable buffer zone for their empire.

    They paid the highest price but they were the only winners.

    The western powers walked away with nothing more than they had at the outset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Attilla the Hen View Post
    The WWII effect is now wearing off which is why the USA has slowly been losing influence and domination of the world's economy.
    American hegemony for last 75 years has not been based on their home turf gettting off lightly in 39-45

    The economic hangover of war does not last that long for the defeated and damaged.

    The Japanese and German economies were gangbusters for decades since the war despite their home turf getting demolished.

    The capitalist economic model has always been the key to wealth generation and the flow down effect of economic activity is what lifts people out of poverty.

    Witness 1 billion chinese being taken from 3rd world starvation to modestly wealthy world citizens since the capitalist reforms of Deng Xiaoping.

  18. #18
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by hml367 View Post
    Pearl Harbor was bombed and Alaska was invaded.
    They were not states at the time of the second world war.

    I agree with Norton, what the hell is France doing on the coin. They were defeated.

  19. #19
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    30-01-2025 @ 11:31 AM
    There was The Resistance......not to mention a fair bit of French territory getting shot up.

  20. #20
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hml367 View Post
    Just as a matter of record:

    Pearl Harbor was bombed and Alaska was invaded.
    Neither Hawaii nor Alaska were US States at the time.

    Alaska was a purchased territory and Hawaii illegally annexed.

    Hawaii was incorporated into the Union as its 50th state on August 21 1959, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed its statehood bill. It had been annexed by the United States much earlier, in July 1898, when a joint resolution of U.S. Congress decided to depose the Hawaiian Queen, Liliuokalani, without due process or fair compensation.

  21. #21
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    MAY 10, 2019
    Thank Russia for Winning World War II

    Russia celebrates victory over the Third Reich on May 9th; the West celebrated it on May 8th. Separate celebrations make sense because the communists had a different fight against the Nazis than the free world did. The USA fought a quarter of the war that our Soviet allies waged – and we opened fire on them at the end. D-Day was timed to halt Russia’s advance west; not to liberate the continent from white supremacists. Western powers waited to open the second front until 11 months before the war ended because our richest racists kept doing business with the Aryans until 1945.

    There are many ways to visualize the fraction of the war fought by Western powers: More Uzbeks than Americans died. 14% of the USSR’s prewar population, 2k towns, 70k villages, 40k miles of railroad, and 100k collective farms were wiped out in a race war. In Stalingrad, only one building still stood after the battle. Compared to Western allies, Soviet soldiers fought Nazis at a ratio of 4:1, and over a geographical area several times larger. In January 1945, the Nazis killed almost as many Soviets as Americans died in all theaters of the whole war combined. In the final battle for Berlin, the USSR lost 80k. Everywhere else at that time, the USA lost only 9k.

    Of WWII’s total 70m dead, half were on the Eastern Front; where at its height, 15-20m soldiers annihilated much of mankind between the Baltic, Black, and Adriatic Seas. This was where the Holocaust happened. For the year the Western Front lasted, less than 5m troops fought there and civilian casualties were incomparable. Russia signed non-aggression pacts with the Aryans and Japanese out of desperation to slow the devastation of Slavic civilization, but that doesn’t diminish the tragedy of nearly 30m dead Soviet peasants.

    Similarly in Asia, the atomic bomb was a racist travesty timed to stop our Russian ally’s entry into the Pacific Theater; it was not to save American lives from an invasion of Japan. The Pacific war was a result of Japan’s sneak attack on a distant island our sugar companies had only seized from its natives 50 years prior. We didn’t fight WWII to save Europe’s dying Jews, its godless Slavs, or the Chinese and Ethiopians who first faced militant fascism in 1933-35.

    America sent thousands of young men to die on remote islands no one ever heard of or thought about since because the Japanese attacked our Hawaiian naval base; not because Japan had been mass-raping and killing millions of Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Indonesians, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indians, and Micronesians for 10 years.


    Mixed messages

    Three months after VE Day, the Red Army met its treaty obligations and invaded occupied China. But by this point the U.S. was uninterested in any assistance. A year earlier, Roosevelt had dropped peacenik, anti-nuclear VP Wallace for Missouri racist Truman, whose secretary of state Byrnes made a new policy: “We must end the Japanese affair before the Russians get there. Once they’re in, it won’t be easy to get them out.”

    Two days before the Soviets liberated China from the longest occupation of the war, America dropped the first atomic bomb on one of the last Japanese cities still standing: Hiroshima. Russia invaded anyway, so the next day the U.S. dropped a second bomb on another city: Nagasaki. Stalin then called off the Soviet invasion of Japan, and the American victors allowed the emperor to retain his title despite four years demanding unconditional surrender.

    As soon as the bombs dropped, FDR successors Truman and Byrnes began taunting Soviet partners. They threatened to flatten Moscow or Kyiv next, but Stalin was skeptical because his spies said American occupying forces in Germany only found enough fissile material for two to three bombs. Notwithstanding the likelihood that a huge nuclear enterprise like the Manhattan Project was long since infiltrated by KGB, generals Patton, Lemay, and Macarthur argued allies shouldn’t stop in Tokyo and Berlin, but keep on going to Moscow. Resignations of the last reasonable voices like deposed VP Wallace, secretary of war Stimson and generals Marshall, Clark and Eisenhower ended constructive dialogue.

    Russia was confused by this treatment. They fought 200 Nazi divisions over four years along 2k kilometers of ethnic cleansing we now call the bloodlands; Western allies faced 80 Nazi divisions over a year and eight months in today’s leading tourist destinations. Churchill even admitted it at Yalta: “Russians have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.”

    25-30m Soviet citizens died fighting WWII. Thanklessness for Slavs bearing the brunt of that epic struggle is a colossal wrong the West has never righted. Pride in this is understandable; it was the pinnacle of Russian civilization and self-esteem. They beat the Nazis, were first to Berlin, and stopped the Holocaust. It wasn’t all noble, but it was better than the alternative. So on May 9, let them have their day; they earned it. С днём победы!

  22. #22
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    The Third Reich began to crumble between two collapsing fronts and imminent, simultaneous invasions from both sides of the German homeland. After ignominious defeat at the Battle of the Bulge, future-NATO broke through all along the porous, weakly manned Western Front – drained of resources to support Hitler’s war of annihilation in the East – and the race for Berlin was on.

    Roosevelt sensed it was important for postwar relations to de-escalate, let Russia get there first, and hand them a decisive victory. Churchill was furious yet impotent because the UK had nothing left. But Roosevelt died before the German surrender, so Truman got the good news that our first atomic bomb was ready. In subsequent negotiations with Soviet leaders outside Berlin, assistant secretary of war McCloy said Truman and Churchill acted “like little boys with a big red apple secreted on their persons.” Their arrogance stunned the Soviets. Stalin never forgot this point of no return in an already abysmal relationship. Soviet foreign minister Molotov later reacted to Hiroshima by saying, “That bomb was not aimed at Japan, but the Soviet Union.”

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    There was The Resistance......not to mention a fair bit of French territory getting shot up.
    Be quiet fool. Grown ups are talking.

  24. #24
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin View Post
    Alaska was a purchased territory and Hawaii illegally annexed.
    Not so lucky to decide about themselves by a referendum...

  25. #25
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    07-04-2021 @ 10:27 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    MAY 10, 2019
    Thank Russia for Winning World War II

    Russia celebrates victory over the Third Reich on May 9th; the West celebrated it on May 8th. Separate celebrations make sense because the communists had a different fight against the Nazis than the free world did. The USA fought a quarter of the war that our Soviet allies waged – and we opened fire on them at the end. D-Day was timed to halt Russia’s advance west; not to liberate the continent from white supremacists. Western powers waited to open the second front until 11 months before the war ended because our richest racists kept doing business with the Aryans until 1945.

    There are many ways to visualize the fraction of the war fought by Western powers: More Uzbeks than Americans died. 14% of the USSR’s prewar population, 2k towns, 70k villages, 40k miles of railroad, and 100k collective farms were wiped out in a race war. In Stalingrad, only one building still stood after the battle. Compared to Western allies, Soviet soldiers fought Nazis at a ratio of 4:1, and over a geographical area several times larger. In January 1945, the Nazis killed almost as many Soviets as Americans died in all theaters of the whole war combined. In the final battle for Berlin, the USSR lost 80k. Everywhere else at that time, the USA lost only 9k.

    Of WWII’s total 70m dead, half were on the Eastern Front; where at its height, 15-20m soldiers annihilated much of mankind between the Baltic, Black, and Adriatic Seas. This was where the Holocaust happened. For the year the Western Front lasted, less than 5m troops fought there and civilian casualties were incomparable. Russia signed non-aggression pacts with the Aryans and Japanese out of desperation to slow the devastation of Slavic civilization, but that doesn’t diminish the tragedy of nearly 30m dead Soviet peasants.

    Similarly in Asia, the atomic bomb was a racist travesty timed to stop our Russian ally’s entry into the Pacific Theater; it was not to save American lives from an invasion of Japan. The Pacific war was a result of Japan’s sneak attack on a distant island our sugar companies had only seized from its natives 50 years prior. We didn’t fight WWII to save Europe’s dying Jews, its godless Slavs, or the Chinese and Ethiopians who first faced militant fascism in 1933-35.

    America sent thousands of young men to die on remote islands no one ever heard of or thought about since because the Japanese attacked our Hawaiian naval base; not because Japan had been mass-raping and killing millions of Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Indonesians, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indians, and Micronesians for 10 years.


    Mixed messages

    Three months after VE Day, the Red Army met its treaty obligations and invaded occupied China. But by this point the U.S. was uninterested in any assistance. A year earlier, Roosevelt had dropped peacenik, anti-nuclear VP Wallace for Missouri racist Truman, whose secretary of state Byrnes made a new policy: “We must end the Japanese affair before the Russians get there. Once they’re in, it won’t be easy to get them out.”

    Two days before the Soviets liberated China from the longest occupation of the war, America dropped the first atomic bomb on one of the last Japanese cities still standing: Hiroshima. Russia invaded anyway, so the next day the U.S. dropped a second bomb on another city: Nagasaki. Stalin then called off the Soviet invasion of Japan, and the American victors allowed the emperor to retain his title despite four years demanding unconditional surrender.

    As soon as the bombs dropped, FDR successors Truman and Byrnes began taunting Soviet partners. They threatened to flatten Moscow or Kyiv next, but Stalin was skeptical because his spies said American occupying forces in Germany only found enough fissile material for two to three bombs. Notwithstanding the likelihood that a huge nuclear enterprise like the Manhattan Project was long since infiltrated by KGB, generals Patton, Lemay, and Macarthur argued allies shouldn’t stop in Tokyo and Berlin, but keep on going to Moscow. Resignations of the last reasonable voices like deposed VP Wallace, secretary of war Stimson and generals Marshall, Clark and Eisenhower ended constructive dialogue.

    Russia was confused by this treatment. They fought 200 Nazi divisions over four years along 2k kilometers of ethnic cleansing we now call the bloodlands; Western allies faced 80 Nazi divisions over a year and eight months in today’s leading tourist destinations. Churchill even admitted it at Yalta: “Russians have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.”

    25-30m Soviet citizens died fighting WWII. Thanklessness for Slavs bearing the brunt of that epic struggle is a colossal wrong the West has never righted. Pride in this is understandable; it was the pinnacle of Russian civilization and self-esteem. They beat the Nazis, were first to Berlin, and stopped the Holocaust. It wasn’t all noble, but it was better than the alternative. So on May 9, let them have their day; they earned it. С днём победы!
    A great example of revisionist history.

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