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  1. #1
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    Rideau Canal Skating pic

    They finally opened the Rideau Canal which is the earliest it has been opened since 2018. The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO world heritage site and the largest canal in the world (7.8 km/4.9 miles long). It takes a lot of preparation for the canal to open, they empty a lot of the water out in late fall, and flood it, waiting for the cold temps to freeze it. The last few years it hasn't been opened much. I think it was open a week last year and year before it didn't open at all because of the warmish and unstable winter weather conditions. I went yesterday, but didn't get many pics, I was focusing on not falling or hitting other people as it was super packed being it just opened up.

    They have benches on the side of the canal where you can put your skates on, as well as warming stations. They also have places on the canal where you can buy hot chocolate and beaver tails. We didn't get any this time as the lines were unbelievable.

    Took a break after forty minutes, Showing my skates.

    Myself and a few of my friends.

  2. #2
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    I'll post more once I go back, hopefully this weekend!

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    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    Myself and a few of my friends.
    Charlie's angels

  5. #5
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    ^Haha! I hope to get out again as you just never know when the weather will get warm and once it goes above zero, it ruins the ice unil a run of cold weather.

  6. #6
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Looks like a nice, fresh outdoor activity. Always nice to see.

    What are the warming stations? Are they little cabins that have oil heaters or something in them?

    I presume beaver tails are some sort of snack, I'll guess at a chocolate covered pancake or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    the largest canal in the world (7.8 km/4.9 miles long).
    I'm pretty sure that the Grand Canal in China goes from Beijing to Hangzhou and is probably around 2000km long.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO world heritage site and the largest canal in the world (7.8 km/4.9 miles long).
    Yes, no and no.
    It is much, much longer than 8km and much much shorter than the world's longest canals.
    You do live there, right?

  8. #8
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    ^^Warming stations are just wooden huts on the canal that have doors on them that close. I am not sure if they even heat them, but they are better than being in the wind.
    Beavertail, a pastry in the shape of a beavertail.

    I'll clarify the longest canal thing too. It is the longest skating rink in the world at 7.8 km's. The Rideau canal when it is not frozen is about 200 kms, but the skating part is not that long. Tomorrow for the first time in awhile they open most of the entire length of the skating portion. I'll be getting my good Canon camera out for pics in the near future. I'll take a pic of the huts and beavertails for you, Eddie.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    It is the longest skating rink in the world at 7.8 km's
    It might be the longest within your city!!

    I skated part of the way round the former Haarlemeer near Amsterdam Airport
    probably 30 miles and Zaanze Schaans there are canals all over N Holland .

    Zuyder Zee also 100km+ options now called Islemmer as new polders made in Netherlands people can skate dozens of miles lso The Elfstedentocht is the longest ice skating event in the Netherlands, covering almost 200 kilometers (120 miles). It's a long-distance tour that takes place on natural ice across frozen canals, rivers, and lakes in Friesland.

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  10. #10
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    It might be the longest within your city!!
    Nope, largest natural skating rink in the world.

    Largest naturally frozen ice rink | Guinness World Records

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Well as a Guinness lover I concede , spose it's how you define "rinky dinky" as all of Holland full of similar canals.
    But as my Basque four bears might say INLI MINKI or a Newfie fisherman Hunky Dory

    I am delighte dyou have sufficient support and your health issues bring us more splendid views of such COOL places , 28 here tomorrow but down to 16 tonight outside, inside my superblock house varies between 19-24 whole year which suits her, I dont mind heat , while snows of canada and Finland look lovely from the bar my days of shovelling de icing wondscreens are happily over'

    MM You are both HOT and COOL at the same timea remarkably mooseful attribute , I raise my glass to Absinthe friends!

  12. #12
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    ^That is nice weather you are having. Skating in Finland sounds amazing. Thanks David. I'll be going again in a few days, but it is supposed to be snowing and 1 above zero. The conditions may not be so great to skate, but I'll try anyway.

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