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  1. #1951
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    That left over plate must have hit the spot, nice chips, like school dinner chips.

    Nice placemats as well

    As a vet of the boarding school system myself, I can tell you I think you should have no doubts in your mind as to how beneficial it will be to your daughters growth. I boarded from 11years old and I count it as a major reason I had big enough balls to move to Thailand and start a business at the age of 19!

    Have you ever thought of her just going to a good regular private Thai school with an English program and then investing the money for her to go to uni in the UK later on. If she has a British passport/ citizenship, which I assume she does, she would probably just have to do an extra year at the beginning before she started her proper course. The UK now has 'Right to learn', which means even if you do not have GCSE's or A levels, you can still go to uni but, as I said, would probably just have to do a foundation course.

    Not meaning to pry into the financials but the money you splash on international school, well invested over the next some years might be enough for a deposit or even to buy a place in a uni town like Bristol or somewhere else. Food for thought
    One should listen twice as much as one speaks

  2. #1952
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Contentious hot potato of a subject is University fees in the UK.

    International students pay triple.

    Scottish pay nothing.

    Welsh are subsidised to a certain extent.

    University's will drop their standards and take anyone to cover their cost irrespective of UCAS points.

    Russel Group University's are the only one's worth considering.

    My middle child got three predicted As at A level and got four offers from her chosen University's the same day she sent off her applications.

    Accommodation also is a big factor!

    These Student Halls of residence are a rip off charging for a full year even though the school year is 8 months.

    That's another minimum £10k per annum plus food etc.

    An international student is looking at £150K minimum for a 3 year degree, a English Student is likely to have a £60-£70k debt minimum.

    As for putting a computer in your kids room, like what has already been said.
    Leave it as long as possible because you won't see them again.

  3. #1953
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    ^ all excellent bloody points Joe.

    One thing though if yoy boost back to Thailand you won't pay any of that debt ever but I'm sure they will change that someway somehow because it gets abused a lot.

  4. #1954
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    ^^, ^^^

    All excellent points BC and Joe.

    This has been given a lot of thought.

    The daughter's been in the international system since Kindergarten and I think it makes sense to keep her in the system for the final four years of her education to cover IGCSEs and A Levels after all this time. In my opinion there isn't a suitable alternative in Korat for her age/capabilities. Her English will now be better than that of many of the teachers in these 'English programmes' and her Thai is weak after being taught in English since the age of three.

    The cost isn't so bad as long as oil & gas and renewables remains so busy for the next few years, and all indications are they will, I should have plenty of work. It would certainly help if Sterling picked up a bit but let's face it, that ain't gonna happen just now.

    Unless she was resident in the UK for three years prior, she would be classed as an international student for university and as Joe says, the fees would be astronomical, plus the personal student debt she would end up with, although I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't be eligible for the low interest student loans anyway, not being a resident of the UK.

    In addition to her UK passport/Citizenship she also has Aussie... and the Aussie government are an awful lot more generous to educating their Citizens, even if non-resident. That's why she may end up going to Perth. I also have an apartment there that will help reduce costs enormously. I also think that long term, Australia will offer her better opportunities and a better standard of life than the UK and will encourage her to head that way, but ultimately all decisions will be hers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecollector View Post
    That left over plate must have hit the spot, nice chips, like school dinner chips.
    Korat Chef have catering packs of oven chips which are great.

    I had an 8 inch one last week.

  5. #1955
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    by the seaside.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    ^^, ^^^

    I had an 8 inch one last week.

    I am so glad you attached a pic to clarify that comment!

  6. #1956
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Unless she was resident in the UK for three years prior, she would be classed as an international student for university
    I presume thought was given to actually going back to live there for the last 3 years of school, with summer and winter holiday time spent back in the nirvana of Khorat. The savings on international school fees would probably pay for the tickets. With you working offshore and then in Khorat for the holidays you'd barely be there anyway.

    Though the current plan seems a sound one.

  7. #1957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    I mean, they're still on two letter words oop north.
    My son-in-law grew up in remote Snowdonia (or whatever they call it now.) He was an only child and played a lot of Scrabble with his parents, who never worked because they survived off a very small inheritance. He knows just about every 2- and 3-letter word in the dictionary. He nearly always wins.

  8. #1958
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    ^^ Yeah, everything has been considered.

    Including the cost of relocating, setting up a new home, car, etc, plus re-joining the UK tax system as a UK resident.

    To be honest, I may occasionally make slightly disparaging comments about Korat, but also my annual three weeks in the UK for the 'summer' is probably enough for me.

    My mum will be 89 next month, at some point I will no longer have any real attachment to the UK. Long term I think the daughter will be better off in Oz, and it's closer to SE Asia and WA is pretty much on the same time zone. Long term for me... Sukhumvit maybe? I don't like to think that far ahead.

    Maybe I'm one of those people who will never settle properly anywhere... a result of living out of a bag for two decades freelancing in the oil industry.

    But what a good two decades they were!

  9. #1959
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Russel Group University's are the only one's worth considering.
    Not so sure about that, Joe.

  10. #1960
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrWilly View Post
    Not so sure about that, Joe.
    About the apostrophe?

  11. #1961
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    ^^^ I went back for 3 weeks of 'summer' for me mum's 70th seven years ago. That was enough. The first morning was spent outside the woolly jacket store to buy woolly jackets and hats when they eventually opened... in August.

    Both my folks are 77 and sad to say, but I'll probably only be back there 2 more times.

  12. #1962
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    About the apostrophe?
    Well, they hint at how much his opinions on universities are worth.

  13. #1963
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    Chitty left school at 15 with no qualifications and works nightshift in a factory. Not that there's anything wrong with it.

    Might as well ask an Eskimo about places to live in the Sahara.

  14. #1964
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    A double ping of numbnuts

    So having the life experience off currently putting three teenagers through the UK university process makes me unqualified to comment?

    You two are that far out of touch with the subject and it's pitifully painful in Cyrilles case.

  15. #1965
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    Fair enough, hard to beat the experience off currently.

  16. #1966
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    the uk is rapidly becoming a third world country, infected with identity politics, unstoppable crime waves, terrifying waiting lists for health care, mind numbingly stupid wokeness, the slowly more tightening restrictions on free speech and a succession of governments more driven by fanatical ideology than the main business of government which is managing. and as a life long patriot i find it hard to even say all this, but it is true, and i would not advise anyone to consider re locating to the uk at the moment unless they are seriously wealthy, or prepared to milk the benefit system ... which is not a difficult task. no one can be bothered to check your entitlements.... (unless of course you are white and can speak fluent english)

    as for the education system mendips daughter will receive, she will be brainwashed with critical race theory and diversity orthodoxy, and viciously cancelled should she offer any opinions that challenge that line of thought.

    these are very strange times indeed.

    if i were in mendips position, after "A" levels at one of the top international school in thailand, uni in australia would be my choice, or even an apprenticeship in her chosen field with a suitable organisation. university degrees are becoming increasingly irrelevent and more a marker of privilege these days, unless it is in one of the traditional professions.
    Last edited by taxexile; 28-12-2024 at 03:25 PM.

  17. #1967
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    You really are frightened of the world, no wonder you’re such an angry old man.

  18. #1968
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    i have done more and experienced more of life than you could ever dream of you oafish loon.

    the world does not frighten me in the slightest monkey boy, and i am certainly not angry, it is only stupidity that angers me, i am merely very aware of the changes the west are going through and regard them as negative, not positive. i adapt to change very easily, but it doesnt mean i am in favour of them.

  19. #1969
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    As a graduate of bothBristol and Exeter Universities both Russel group instituitions may I agree economic prospects better in Australia.I also sepnt some time at Uni in Florida and Copenhagen and partner was at Uni in NSW.
    If seeking a life in Oz in addition to the education 3 years study there allows someone to adapt to the language and culture, she could soon be speaking Strine as well as BLD or Terry57's handbag.
    Of course a degree in Oz does not limit her to work there and holding Thai , UK and OZ passports is a handy trifecta well done DAD for all thise passport runs!!

    Perth is also far more accesible in time and money if Mendy chooses to relax in retirement in ASEAN.

    However regarding UK fees

    1 It is free for home students in Scotland, so if whe were to work there 3 years no cost
    2 Tuition is free or almost free in many EU countries like all of chilly Scandanavia, Italy Germany, Czechia, Denmark to my knowledge where many degrees are taught in English.

    3 Education is an investment rather than an expense and the c9k UK tuition is only repayable above a certain income and if she debunks back to LOS possibly not even then

    If I had a pad in Perth and no visa issues for daughter seems a good plan if it is what all the family want.

    I am content here and much as I enjoy travel have nt had a cold winter since 2004 and find even UK cool in summer.
    Good luck Mendy you have plenty of choices, just make sure she is happy in International schooling for now to get the grades for Uni.
    I just add I am sure like many folks of dual heritage she would breeze through a degree in her firsti language anywhere.

    Thai Language Major - ANU

    EU Unis with zero tuition usually just annual $300 registartion/Library student Union time membership fee

    Just a moment...
    When in doubt, look intelligent. Garrison Keillor

  20. #1970
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    if i were in mendips position, after "A" levels at one of the top international school in thailand, uni in australia would be my choice, or even an apprenticeship in her chosen field with a suitable organisation. university degrees are becoming increasingly irrelevent and more a marker of privilege these days, unless it is in one of the traditional professions.
    Yes, I can only encourage and guide in a 'good' direction, but ultimately the decisions will be hers.

    She may get a local boyfriend and end up selling larb moo at the local market, although I'll be pretty pissed off if that happens.

    Once (if) she has A Levels, she has international options, regardless of whether they are made the most of. Without A Levels those options are a lot more limited. I think that four years boarding in Thailand will give her the best chance of a decent set of IGCSE and A Levels to give her a good start in life.

    She's artistic and has already expressed an interest in design, architecture and stuff like that, not a world I'm part of, although I would think anything 'arty' will be hit hard by AI.

  21. #1971
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    A double ping of numbnuts

    So having the life experience off currently putting three teenagers through the UK university process makes me unqualified to comment?

    You two are that far out of touch with the subject and it's pitifully painful in Cyrilles case.
    I think mendys got a tough decision to make re his daughters future but hes probably in a better situation to make that happen than some. for 1 he has decades of experience in his field and is likely highly in demand, 2 he has the options of either school in Thailand , australia or the UK hes weighing up all the options for sure. for me and my family ( 2 kids) it was a no brainer. school in Lao wasnt going to give them a good start in life, the decision was made to relocate to Australia where me and her arent adapting to it so well BUT the kids are. mu oldest in his last year of high school, he wants to go onto uni and ive got his back. will do whatever it takes to get him through uni. his bro isnt as academicly inclined as him but thats ok he will find out what he wants to do in life and i will support that to. sure miss that tropical weather and that pool and cheap piss.

  22. #1972
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    the c9k UK tuition is only repayable above a certain income
    It carries interest, bank base rate +1%. My daughter is approaching 40 and thinks she has a chance to pay her loan off before she hits 50. Her younger brothers have decent jobs and see no likely end, the youngest fully expects never to clear his loan.

  23. #1973
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    It carries interest, bank base rate +1%. My daughter is approaching 40 and thinks she has a chance to pay her loan off before she hits 50. Her younger brothers have decent jobs and see no likely end, the youngest fully expects never to clear his loan.
    I just stopped replying to their emails.

  24. #1974

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    A Thai kid would find Oz much easier just because of the weather. The UK would be quite depressing for someone not used to that kind of shitty weather. Oz also appears to be a more cheerful place. Good posts from Tax. The world is changing. AI is expected to hit the softer girlie graduate jobs first. More and more students will struggle to get a return on their degrees.

  25. #1975
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    ..... http://

    salary by degree.

    they all seem a bit low, even by UK standards, especially on the left hand side of the table.
    Last edited by taxexile; 28-12-2024 at 05:21 PM.

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