This was the most exciting bit for me personally. As soon as the water level covered the waterfall intake I could test out my design. The pump wouldn't draw water at first, but just needed a lot of priming due to such a fall between the pump and water inlet. But once the details were sorted out...
I was chuffed to bits about this as there were plenty of nay sayers who said it would never work! Bollox to them!
The small patch of fresh, smooth cement on the bottom of the sticky-out bit was there to mount a light on. This light behind the pouring water looks great at night. Five years later the waterfall still works fine... to a fashion. These days the water is no longer clear and pristine and the pump takes some coaxing at times. The inlet also gets blocked.
I put a large limestone rock directly below the main stream of water to create as much splash and aeration as possible.
And so the pond gradually filled...