Man. Definitely sane with me plus more. In fact I might have found myself homeless short a few fingers had I flipped my parents off. I was a hyper busy kid and was routinely being punished. Most of my punishments were manual labor around the farm. " dig that trench" " fix that fence" etc. My favorite punishment was back in the day Septic tanks were buried deep with a lid so to access them you had to dig 3ft down and about 4ft square. Took 2 or 3 days and that was because I got a C on my report card. Had I flipped my dad off. He would have likely buried me in it after they pumped it out.
My Dad laughs nowadays saying what he did to me for discipline they would have put a father in jail for child abuse. Parents have gone soft and the government have given too much power to children. Some kids just need a good ass whooping to remind them of respect.
Pool looks good Mendy. I do have a question, don't you have a pool scrub brush on a pole so you don't have to swim to clean it?