A Thai vet won't put a dog down for behavioural issues, so my options are to fix Maya's behaviour or permanently segregate her. I couldn't just turn her loose as that would be inhuman.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'medical procedure' but to permanently wear a muzzle may be an option. Lola's mother 'Vua' permanently wears a muzzle as she chases motorcyclists and she seems to be happy wearing it. Mind, I must admit that I can't understand why PJG doesn't just keep her dogs in her back garden.
And no, no euphemism.
She has had severe wallops and been left locked in the pond area alone for a couple of nights, although her howling can't have pleased the neighbours. I have used a flip flop on her mouth... it may appear cruel and if a neighbour witnessed the punishment in the UK I reckon the RSPCA would be called, but these are desperate measures. A flip flop is good because it will hurt but not injure... I certainly don't like to do it but at the end of the day it's in Maya's best interest to get this sorted. One thing I will say for her, there's never a hint of aggression toward me, even when she's getting a smack.
I may give this a go but I'm worried that I forget to wash my hands before my lunchtime sandwich.
And no, Joe... that is not a euphemism either!
Despite not being a particularly complimentary post, I do appreciate that you have used the correct geological era that includes the dinosaurs.
The crack of dawn saw Anna heading back to the vets, via school.
Where's Anna!!?
It's looking like this could be the last year of twice-daily school runs through Korat's awful rush hour traffic. I won't miss it.
We arrived at the vet at 07:30hrs so I had 30 minutes to wait for the main man to arrive. He was 5 minutes late, probably due to counting how much money he was going to make out of me today, before coming in.
Anna must have suspected what was coming up as she jumped up on my lap for some comforting. And then she closed her eyes and went into some kind of meditation.
I left her soon after 8am and returned to pick her up at 10am. It's half an hour each way so touch and go if it was worth even returning home just for an hour.
One thing that pisses me off with the vet is that all the staff park their motorbikes outside and take up the parking spaces. If I was the boss I'd tell them to park elsewhere. There's loads of staff and I probably paid this lot's wages today.
Anna was very pleased to see me and looked quite chipper. She'd had a total of 10 stitches in three different locations, poor thing. The steady hands of Moo Deng's life-saving surgeon did the sewing. I'm going to but him a nice bottle of whisky for Christmas, maybe even Johnny Walker.
I don't think she'll be doing any lingerie shots in the near future, and probably won't even don her Arsenal kit before the stitches come out.
On the way home I stopped off at the water treatment works at Hua Thale, not far from home. This wasn't only to give Anna a nice view of the water, it was also a reconnaissance mission for my plan.
There are loads of strays in this area which seems to have become a dumping ground for unwanted dogs. My plan is to bring Maya here and try to explain that if she doesn't mend her ways, this is her future.
I'm not sure exactly how I'll explain this... because let's face it, even if she was a Thai human I'd struggle to get my point across... but sometimes dogs just 'understand'.
Anyway, once home I carried Anna to her chair so she could start her convalescence.
But of course there was one last indignation waiting for her... poor thing.
Last edited by Mendip; 08-10-2024 at 01:41 PM.
^ Ha, well spotted Sir!
There's a couple of 'eights' there as well, if you can run them off another word.
Maya does all the damage, with no punishment, the victims get all the punishment including wearing a cone for days. Permently cone Maya or minimally cone Maya for the duration of the victim's recovery.
^ That's a good idea Cal. Maya had punishment at the time but of course it's Anna who has the long term punishment of the cone.
We have a lot of these cones and I'll find one for Maya.
I know that you've mentioned the cruelty of Maya attacking Anna before and I have worked hard on socialising them, and believe this is the first incident between Maya and Anna in well over a year. The two boys started scrapping and this triggered Maya to attack Anna.
I'm trying to remove the trigger points. If we go out, when we arrive back the dogs hear the car and all go mad together at the gate, and the excitement has triggered fights in the past. I now separate them when we go out which is quite easy. Maya goes into the pool area, etc. This has helped a lot.
Has there ever been a clevererer way for an invitation for a game of scrabble. I think negativo.
If you run short I might have one somewhere I can send you at no charge.
It is made for a fairly large head though (mine). About 50 years ago I was in a relationship with a married woman and she demanded that if we were going to continue having sports, I had to get a vasectomy. Being young and dumb I seriously considered this. I was much more limber in my youth and the surgeon insisted that if he was to do the procedure, I had to wear a cone afterwards as he thought I might gnaw at the stitches in one of my drunken slumbers.
Fortunately for you and Maya, the relationship broke up in the snip of time and I still have the collar unused and in as-new condition. The plastic may have gone brittle though after such lengthy storage in the tropical heat. Anyway, you are welcome to it and I will pay the postage.
Actually glad to get rid of such a reminder of my misspent years. I'm sure I would have come in for quite a ribbing from my pals sitting in various bars in Patpong trying to drink with a cone on.
^ A kind offer Shy Guava - it would seem that you're not quite so 'Shy' as your nick suggests?
And you must have a much more flexible neck than I have. I've just been doing some experiments and if necessary I could gnaw on stitches on my shoulders and knees, but no-where in between.
I have just checked and we have six of these cones; five in the storage room and one on Anna. This a result of keeping these street dogs for nearly the past two decades.
There are two large cones that fit Maya no problem, and the only use I can think of for a 'human' sized cones would be to stick it on the wife, for no other reason than it would just amuse me.
I had to pick up the daughter from her bass lesson last night, so before leaving I separated out the dogs to avoid the 'trigger' of us returning, when the dogs go mad with excitement, bumping into each other, even after being away for just a couple of hours.
On reuniting the dogs, Maya had a go at Lola. I was on to it immediately because I'd already spotted Maya doing one of her 'stares', and grabbed them both before proper contact was made. This is so disappointing as Maya and Lola have been absolutely inseparable buddies since the day Lola arrived over a year and a half ago. Maya seems to have developed a very nasty jealous streak and once she loses her temper, that's it, she just can't control herself and goes mental. I'm wondering if she's been spending too much time with the wife.
Anyway, a severe wallop and shouting at later, she was banished alone to the pool area for the night, where she still remains, crying and feeling sorry for herself. I didn't put on the cone for fear that she'd go swimming - I think a cone would drown her.
Lola pays regular visits and I'm sure they would be fine together now, but I want to punish Maya and leave her in isolation for a while longer yet.
This will be Maya's immediate future when she gets released. But I don't think a muzzle is the long term answer. I need to change her behaviour.
Yogi is keeping Anna company during her convalescence.
The pool area is an easy place to quarantine Maya but I'm starting to wonder just how much of a punishment it is? As I look out of my office window she seems to be quite OK, I think it could be worse... she could be quarantined in a pool with no water?
I just smashed the vig off poor Zoey for the 4th time in a row over me morning cuppa.
octordle rescue
Mornings have never been so fulfilled.
^ GOV, VIG, GOO, OI, LA, ????
What language do you guys play in?
At least the pool fence gets utilised for hanging out mendys checkered shorts.
^ Not mine mate, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing shorts like that. I still have some self respect.
I'm strictly camo or tartan.
What never ceases to amaze me is how Anna stoically accepts anything that life throws at her. I love her to bits and if she was human and I'd met her in another time, I would have snapped her up in an instant to live happily ever after with. I bet a human Anna would cook really great pies as well. She would just get on with it, she's that type.
On the other hand, Maya may be good fun, a bit of an extrovert and loves to be the centre of attention, but she has very limited life experiences and is high maintenance. I won't labour the analogy, but in another life I would have hooked up with human Anna. Any young guys reading this, please take note. Marriage is long.
A bizarre scene... the wife and the long term Bangkok mistress... theoretically...
I honestly think that Maya was trying to make up with Anna here... with the muzzle on she was acting very strangely but not aggressively... and Anna was relaxed, so sensing no aggression (I think). But what do I know... WTF is Caesar when you need him? I invited him over a few years ago but he just doesn't seem interested.
So, it's up to you Maya... sort your shit out or continue like this, your choice.
If only things were so easy in the human world.
I must admit that with Maya muzzled, I have never seen the other guys looking so happy... hey, Shy Guava, I don't need a human cone but do you have a human muzzle??? I'll pay the postage!
Last edited by Mendip; 09-10-2024 at 09:15 PM.
So, now you are looking at your dogs and visualising them as women with whom you are having conjugal relations.
That all seems perfectly normal.
^ I did this earlier and deleted thinking it was just me
Reads a little weird that, although I'm only on my 6th Carling.
Have you ever thought that they might want a real man who can satisfy them unlike Max or one thats not an ugly white sex pest?
Yogi that is
Join teakdoor Rawlins said.
It would be fun, Rawlins said.
^ If Rawlins was a dog, do you reckon him and his old mate Mendy would have needed a bucket of ice water chucked over them?
Rawlins would have needed the police called, apparently.
Well, that got a bit weird.
I had a bit of bad news last night and stupidly headed for the Ya Dong bottle in the gardener's fridge... and it must have been from quite a potent batch. In fact I sometimes wonder if this Ya Dong goes through any QA / QC at all.
Needless to say my entire post can be ignored as untrue, drunken ramblings. A lesson learnt, for a while at least.
But, it did raise one important issue... a few years ago bloody Rawlins persuaded me to join TeakDoor and I didn't even want to. He did say it would be fun, but he didn't mention that he doesn't even post any more. Who needs enemies...
Anyway, it did in fact get even weirder last night... bloody Ya Dong.
When I got back to the house the pungent aroma of burning plastic informed me that our elderly neighbour was out in her garden, burning rubbish.
I've been feeling guilty since our argument, after her cat I rescued from the dogs ravaged my thumb leading to a course of rabies jabs, so I went over to apologise last night. I took her a nice mango that I'd picked up in Bangkok last week as an olive branch... it was slightly on the turn but was well received as they're out of season up here at the moment.
Lola's father, 'Tem' was hanging around as well, which was nice.
I don't really know why she was all blurred in the picture because she has a bad back and moves as slowly as one of Stumpy's tortoises.
Anyway, we sat down for a while and she didn't stop gabbling on, not one word of which I understood. Then she gave me a hug and started giving me loads of those Thai sniff-kiss things which made me feel very uneasy, especially after all that Ya Dong had lowered my defences.
So, I hastily left... but if she was 40 years younger...
Anyway, moving swiftly on...
Today my ongoing rehabilitation of Maya continued with a trip to the water treatment works at Hua Thale, a couple of kilometres from home.
As I mentioned above, this area seems to be a dumping ground for unwanted dogs and there are strays all over the place.
A small pack...
A huge pack...
In fact the dogs aren't in bad condition and I have seen many people drop off food in this area. I just wish the government would get involved and neuter the females, then the problem would gradually go away, or at least be manageable. Feeding without neutering isn't the answer.
I made sure that Maya was looking out at her less fortunate countrydogs.
Then we got out and I made it very clear that she has two choices: stay at home and behave or stay at Hua Thale water treatment works. Maya's tail went between her legs and her ears went flat. I don't know if she got my meaning but she was certainly scared.
We were soon surrounded...
And Maya was definitely not her usual boisterous self. I noticed that she avoided eye contact with any of the strays.
I pretended to leave Maya as I headed back to the car... and Maya panicked. When I opened up the passenger door she leapt straight in.
I can only hope this has worked. At home she will wear the muzzle until Anna's cone comes off, and the same if there's a next time.
I last did something like this around seven or eight years ago. The daughter was playing up at her fancy international school, so one day I took her to a local temple school and we watched the kids come out in the afternoon. Two boys were even fighting, which was perfect. I made it very clear that if she wanted to carry on playing up at school, it was no problem as she would go to the temple school and I would save a small fortune. Her choice.
It worked on the daughter and she's been well behaved at school for years now, so hopefully it will work on Maya as well. We shall see.
Last edited by Mendip; 10-10-2024 at 11:16 AM.
^^ looks to me like she'd assumed the position and was waiting for the docking maneuver but you didn't pick up the hint.
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