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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 07:15 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    I don't. If it were a couple of guys at a bar talking shit..OK. A 13 year old daughter? But again. You guys try to divide humor and values. ...
    13371 replies | 1249323 view(s)
  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 04:25 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    Because you said I got up on the wrong side of the bed you idiot. It's 4pm. I have been up since 5:30. Did some work for work. Enjoyed running my...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 04:09 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    Its 4 pm you crayon sharpener. So one can't disagree with a post? You bitch all the time. I still stand that it's all about respect and...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 03:44 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    Utter Nonsense MK. Do you have children? What would you do if your daughter put that on a whiteboard and called you a Bitch or K u n t ? But...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 03:09 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    Sorry not buying it. But again as posted, Its all about how one upbrings their children. Whatever you posted to elicit a response of FO and you...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 03:05 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    But....the whiteboard says a different message Mendo. Why is that there? Why with the "Fuk you" finger and a Dickhead? :)
    13371 replies | 1249323 view(s)
  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 03:03 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    Well are you? Lets clear the air shall we? Your posts are suggesting that you might be. Should the TD audience think differently? Just asking.
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 02:48 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    Honestly, EdDouche, I would expect nothing less from a guy dumped in Thailand with a stipend and nobody mentoring you with values and basic...
    13371 replies | 1249323 view(s)
  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 02:44 PM
    GRAVY!!!!!. :smileylaughing: That's a mask to cover a nice cut of properly cooked steak. But I do understand. Air fryers, burnt food and...
    4536 replies | 293395 view(s)
  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 02:38 PM
    Stumpy replied to a thread Daily Moan in Famous Threads
    I agree . For me, that would be totally unacceptable as parent. As parents we know if not addressed, they go to school and hang with friends and...
    13371 replies | 1249323 view(s)
  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 10:02 AM
    ATV hobby has been extremely busy ( but quite fun) the last 2 or 3 weeks. As I mentioned, I have partnered with a few guys in the US and we are...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 09:52 AM
    Had a nice Porterhouse for lunch with a tater, bacon crumbles and fresh Italian spiced carrots off the grill while watching NBA by the pool.
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 09:48 AM
    Well not today, but Yesterday. Broke out a Cognac cask finished Tequila. Some time back I ordered 4 special bottles from Herradura as they had a...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    24-01-2025, 09:45 AM
    I agree Snubs. Prices also reflect their quality and distilling expertise.
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    19-01-2025, 04:40 PM
    Ohhh Man. Think of those few that will lose it being a social media site is banned. They could ban a long laundry list of sites as far as I am...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    19-01-2025, 04:33 PM
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    19-01-2025, 02:49 PM
    On my recent trip to the US I stopped by the Colombus Salami factory and picked up 3 pepper dry aged packs. Perfect for sammiches. Little Dijon...
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    19-01-2025, 02:42 PM
    Pool side beverage watching some NFL before my afternoon ride, Moscow Mule. Fresh ginger from the garden
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  • Stumpy's Avatar
    19-01-2025, 02:38 PM
    Last few days been quite busy. With rainy season not to far off, we decided to nix the wood posts to hold up trees around our place and add...
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