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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat
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    31-05-2018 @ 07:54 PM
    Hating but living in the 3rd world

    Good place to stay in Luang Prabang?

    Going tomorrow for the first time, travelling alone, 2 nights.

    Want to stay somewhere nice with good internet and get a bit of work done. Close to bars and restaurants, in the 'action' area if that exists. I dont mean red light whoremongery just places to strike up conversation etc.

    Any recommendations much appreciated. Cheers.

  2. #2
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    Try Calico Hotel, was very good 4 years ago , overlooking the Mekong, in a n old Colonial Building. Short walk to main street.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    Hating but living in the 3rd world
    Cheers will take a look.

    What is it like there? Spread out, or small centralised?

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    Hating but living in the 3rd world
    Calico hotel Luang Prabang not showing up on google.

    Navigair is where the action is?

  5. #5
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    Sorry name has been changed or not being used as a hotel. Was a lovely Colonial property on the river

  6. #6
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    Villa Santi hotel and go to L'Elephant for drinks and dinner.

    Spoil yourself, the location demands it.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat
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    Alounsavath gh
    Khongsavah GH
    both on the Mekong riverside, both great places for around $25/night
    Located in the world heritage section of town, easy walk to night market,shopping and restaurants.

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat
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    31-05-2018 @ 07:54 PM
    Hating but living in the 3rd world
    Visa on arrival was a piece of piss. Small plane from BKK half full. Filled out the form, not photo, just paid a dollar. Small queue and well staffed. The process of handing in the form, paying $1 (50 THB coz I didn't have USD) then to the next window, paid the Aussie rate, I think 1900 THB, gives you a month, then over to the immigration to get stamped in. Took less than 15 minutes.

    Thanks for the recommendations, I went along with google coz needed to get it booked.

    This was the winner, based on price range and reviews:

    It's a bit upmarket compared to the dingy backpacker slum joints, but at $50 a night I'm happy. This is the first night though, but everything is solid. Great air con, nice room, wooden panels with bamboo sheeting on the roof. And you can see the bamboo has been treated so no mould, they are new, been around since October last year. Right on the Meekong and close to everything.

    I called them pretty late last night, and then corresponded by email. Needed a desk and some space. The owner (or manager, not sure) is Aussie educated and therefore right on top of her game . Delivered on what was promised.

    I've stayed in a few places in Laos and paid more for much lower standards. The toilet flushes like a demon, shower is hot with plenty of pressure, and wifi is 1st world, better than what you'd get in most Aussie hotels.

    Had a drama getting money because I was running late and didnt have time to get THB cash from an ATM at the Thai airport. This place runs on KIP, but if you got THB or USD they'll happily take it. It took 7 failed ATM withdrawal attempts with my BKK bank card, then going into a 3rd world bank (best in town according to the shifty taxi driver) to get sorted for less than 20K Kip equivalent THB in cash. No one is giving out USD or THB. So take cash with you, spend THB, get change in KIP, you'll be better off than the 4% charge on top of crappy THB/KIP exchange rate.

    Haven't even stayed a night yet but very impressed thus far. Let's hope in doesn't go to the shit like so many new guest houses. But we're not dealing with Chinese build it then let it get ruined style here.

    Seems like a diamond in the rough, will report back when the stay is over.

    Now time to suss out the local nightlife.
    Last edited by 9999; 29-08-2017 at 08:40 PM.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    So whats the go mate, last time we heard from you ya where pakin ya shit up and decanting back to Oz with ya family.

    Still going or rethought the gig. ?

  10. #10
    I am in Jail
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    out of range
    Quote Originally Posted by 9999
    Now time to suss out the local nightlife.
    There is none.

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