Or any alcohol/intoxicants.
Fitter, trimmer and slimmer.
Even better role model for the kid
Feeling prouder when around the kid's teachers/friend's parents/classmate's parents and I'm perfectly toned and chiseled and obviously take care of meself.
Getting older, so why not.
4 Gfs this year were/are teetotalers, and as nice as a glass or 3 of wine with a lust-bursting lover can be, it’s just as nice being totally clean while enjoying an evening/night of unbridled handcuffed devouring.
Current lover is a slim, fit 19 yr old uni student, and haven't asked or haven't been told, but her parents could easily be younger than me. Which is a bit of a shock when you've fairly recently entered your 40s, to be honest. If going to meet them next year, being slimmer and fitter and healthier won't do any harm.
Went 8 months without any alcohol not long ago, and don’t recall ever being as fit, trim or healthy feeling in me adult life. Back to me natural chiseled self, fresh as a daisy every day, more outgoing in the daytime. Time to get back to it.
Why not?
Anyone else going to go for it?