I'm happy with me one kid, and there's also a possible illegitimate child that I'll probably never know.
At humanity's loss, it might be time to stop procreating.
I'm very very happy in my life and I certainly have no desire, want or need to have another child, so might be time to get the snip.
Two girl's in their 30s that I previously dated for a week or two had the female version done, one had two tiny dot marks above or below their belly button. I doubt they go in from the top for males, however.
2 lines of enquiry are... secondly... hospitals... the procedure... pain... recovery time... price... etc.
Primarily... the effect on *blush* hanky-panky.... there is no loss of sensations, feelings, libido, my menstrual cycle or anything like that.... right?
I think my dad had it done in his 50s, but that was around 30 years ago, and things are probably a bit different now.
I think Stumpy said he had it done but has flounced again.
Anyone with experience or knowledge of it in Thailand?
Cheers chaps/chapettes.