At my place we have sveral different areas of gardens out the front of the house are plants for looking good (hopefully) and then at the side of the house is the Mother in laws patch, while down the back I have made a "shade house" garden where I am trying to grow vegetables. At the south end of this is the bananas and some other stuff. I will post some pictures of different plants which for people living will most likely be boring but maybe interesting for others who haven't seen them before.
First cab off the rank is a "????" as I don't know what its called. The missus has told me that they don't eat it (unusual) because it takes too much time and effort to prepare and cook. Maybe someone can tell me what the hell it is.
This a larger view of MIL's patch if you look hard you can see "????" in the centre.
It looks very nice actually
Clearer pictures follow but this shows the vine it grows on.
In my opinion if looks are anything to go by it should be delicious.
A different one.
Anyway I will post more pictures next time of other things that are growing in our garden/s.
To anyone who has anything growing feel free to post some pictures.