I like it, nice and loose. Wish I had the balls to try oil pastels but have decided the next medium is acrylics..... What a switch, its a brutal change from watercolor where you have time to work.
I like it, nice and loose. Wish I had the balls to try oil pastels but have decided the next medium is acrylics..... What a switch, its a brutal change from watercolor where you have time to work.
They're nice, on my phone the pastel looks the better. I dreamed about painting this picture two nights ago, except I was using oils.
I had every intention of splashing some watercolours around yesterday, but a mate moving from Thailand to here with his family literally arrived yesterday morning, he had an empty house (no furniture) with no electricity connected, no car yet and no staff. (He's working for a medium sized company within the O&G sector, but I think the local staff resent expats and are actively sabotaging.) So I ended spending the day helping him buy beds, kitchen stuff, washing machine and beers.
I'm now on the way to the airport for a week in KL working.
It's not a false promise, I will give it a go. (With my level it might have to be 2 or 3 goes before I post anything up,) but I will do it, just be patient!
(And keep painting in the meantime.)
Very nice, is that a watercolour or acrylic?
GCI, and post work, saved as sketch in black and white and merged with colour watercolour effect from fotosketcher.
Oooh, looks good.
Thanks EG ,,,, TBH , I am not very happy with either of my efforts , I rushed it just to keep my promise to have a go this weekend ,, I've been hobbling around at work on me left knee all week and now me left shoulder has frozen , so I.m in a lot of pain one way or another I cant take pain killers as they make my stomache bleed , will give it another shot later from another angle.
BTW the pastels I use are not oil they are the soft chalky ones , on crap paper it has to be said to.
Kudos to you KW for helping your friend, look forward to seeing it appear soon .
Nice to see Splitlid taking part from the digital side of things to
BTW ,, I used to have some place mats look similar to your effort![]()
I'm proud of my 38" waist , also proud I have never done drugs![]()
N&J, EG, KW and Split kudos to you all for putting your work up, each is pleasing in its own way. This is a very enjoyable thread.![]()
Thanks mate ^ I reckon you to could have a stab at it ,, you obviously have an interest in the subject . Its all about just having a go mate , thats all .
Anyway I am glad your enjoying it , and as I said when I began it , I hoped it would be something of a thread people could always dip in and out of , you never know we might just be lucky enough to convince some one who is an artist and is viewing as a guest to sign up and begin to contribute ,, fingers crossed
Just as a ONE OFF I would like add a beautifull piece of artwork with you NOT painted by me of course but by someone who is incredibly gifted a truly wonderfull piece , just shows what you can do with oil paint if you have the know how
Interest: yes, ability: none!Originally Posted by nigelandjan
I have tried, but my brain doesn't seem to be able to make my hands go where I want them, perhaps that is why I am interested/envious of you guys who can produce such pleasant pictures.
I have won a few photoshop contests on another forum, but that was due to the laugh factor of what I made when manipulating an existing picture, not due to any intrinsic artistic ability.
Ok mate ,, fair dues ,, hope we can produce some more for you to enjoy .
^^ Incredibly gifted is an understatement!
It's people like him/her that made me give up trying, and I dont mean that in a negative way. It's just that I will never approach that level of skill & talent, so why bother ?
(and I bother because of the satisfaction one gets from creating something yourself, if you know what I mean!?)
^ Well I liken it to something like the weekend club car racers / hobbyists , compared to the F1 guys ,, we can all aspire to be better .
Right I am gonna try and find a bit of time now to have another crack at EG.s pic whilst the meat is cooking
That is Superb. Is it one of your Son's, Nige ?
^ Afraid not mate , the little devil would never paint along with me , he was just into his drawing .
Here is a watercolor sketch done over the weekend. This was to be a precursor to an acrylic painting of the same subject. Got bored with it when doing the rock formation so that sucks... lol but liked it overall so will proceed with an acrylic me thinks.
Will attempt this use the watercolor technique where the acrylic is slightly watered and 'should' act somewhat like applying watercolors. The advantage might be that the drying time is quicker and will allow over-painting of lights over darks... we'll see
EDIT: Maimeriblue paint on Arches 140 lb cold press 10 x 14 block
"If you can't stand the answer --
Don't ask the question!"
Very nice EG , you definately have an individual style going there mate.
Can I just make a couple of suggestions for you here ?
Number 1 ,,,,the far mountain range , next time if you have a damp piece of cotton pad or tissue paper handy before it dries , just use it to soften away the hard edge of the top of the mountains.
Number 2 ,,,,, you have allready noted the prob with the foreground rock , I would suggest it really needs to be a whole lot darker to distance it more from the rock in the middle ,, mabe even at this stage a quick one stroke wash of very heavy mix of french ultramarine over it ,, but you cannot faff with it or it will ruin it , just a one stroke operation.
I think you are using green from a tube ?? dont know if you are but I mix mine from black / paynes grey + cad yellow to get a more natural green .
Please dont take anything I say as criticism as I cannot do any better ,, I am just offering a different viewpoint and would welcome anyone to do the same to anything I put up here .
I love the feeling of the heat you have generated in this pic very clever .
Your paintings are bright + happy looking ,, I guess it reveals the way you are .
Looking forward to your adventures in acrylic , I haven't a clue never been there
since this was a 'test' I didn't bother with the far ranges at all, just plopped em in ... lol no bleed or softening, in fact in the middle distance the green is going to be a lot more yellowish or raw sienna.
The greens are mixed using Cyan bluish, some avignon orange and or brown stildegrain, or lemon yellow all Maimeriblu colors.
As for the rock formation, I don't really subscribe to the 'opposing corners being dark' methodology, however some of the rock needs to be darker and will attempt that on the next go. The rock formation needs a lot of detail in my mind so have to figure out how much and how to go about it in acrylics.
If crits or comments would have upset me, all my stuff would be in a closed file and not posted on line... lolol no problem at all, we all have differing viewpoints, makes life interesting.
Looking forward to watching it evolve. Where/what is it?Originally Posted by El Gibbon
Indian ruins in the Southwestern desert of the US (Ariz). Similar to the Anasazi cliff dwellings but think it is later on. Probably Pueblo or maybe Navajo, several distinct tribes in the 4 Corners area.
What a great thread.
You can't come in here without sticking some artwork up patsy
I remember Ripley saying you were an artist on several occasions, :-)
If pasty switched to old recipe Absinthe with all the extra herbs , I bet she could be the next Van Gough
I like it ; a nice composition with the rock cleverly giving depth .
my favourite part is the green ( perhaps not too bright as its only a small area )
and the distance range with the dark tops .
I remember Celine agreeing with an artist C lorrain in his book -Journey to the end of the Night -
'' Musyne, .. amazed me with her skillful touch, and listening to her I had to own that when it came to tall stories I was a clumsy faker compared to her. She had a gift for locating her fantasies in a dramatic faraway setting that gave everything a lasting glow. It often struck me that when we combatants spun yarns they tended to be crudely chronometric and precise. Her medium was eternity.
Claude Lorrain was right in saying that the foreground of a picture is always repugnant and that the interest of an artwork must be seen in the distance, in that unfathomable realm which is the refuge of lies, of those dreams caught in the act, which are the only thing men love.''
I enjoy painting the American Southwest, it can be a barren desert, a archeological wonder or in spring, a riot of wild flowers.
This one from some time ago, Shiprock in New Mexico area of the 4 corners.
W&N paints on Arches 140 lb paper.
A volcanic 'stove pipe' where two volcanic lesions meet at right angles. One of many volcanic features in the area.
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