So, like many, if not most, foreigners in Thailand, my Visa and Work permit expire in a few days. This morning trogged off to my local immigration office - only to be told that the internet was down (and had been since yesterday) and so no go. Come back Monday and we will see. No, I could not go the the Bangkok office, come back Monday (the day my visa expires).
They then suggested that I may as well go and put my work permit extension request in. Now, it has been my understanding (for some 24 years) that the visa and work permit were inextricably linked, and there was no way the work permit office would take the extension request. I dutifully trudged over, and you could have knock me over with a feather when the work permit office said - no problem. And indeed my application was lodged.
The longer I stay here, the less I actually understand.
(I will avoid an extensive rant about how fucked up it is that immigration grind to a halt because their "internet went down". Sigh.)