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  1. #1

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    06-05-2010 @ 03:41 AM

    Anyone have sample construction contracts?

    Can someone please upload/post sample Thai/English construction contracts? Preferably 1 example each for building contractor, electrical contractor, plumbing contractor, etc. I would appreciate them and I am sure others could also benefit. Thanks in advance!

    If unable to post, I can PM you with my info and then upload and post a link.

  2. #2


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    Plumbing contractor? There are only 2 plumbing contractors in Pattaya out of the thousands of contractors that will do plumbing.

  3. #3
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    Don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but just thought I should chime in a bit

    Well just a question here….How green are you, to be taking up the project like this?
    Are you expecting everyone to spoonfeed you everything….from start to finish?…without you helping yourself first?

    If you just spend about 10 mins google “residential construction contracts”….you will get bunches of info right at your fingertip.
    Read though those, pick and choose the one(s) that “fit your situation“, translate to thai, and take them to the builder(of your choice) to see what he would say….and go from there…modify as you like….or take them to the lawyer for help..etcs
    After having read tho those bunches of info and got familiarized with the contents of construction contract,…. and if you still have a few unclear questions, then it would be easier for many of us here to help you out with the “specific” issue/question you may have.

    Where is your wife? Can she help you in anything at all?

    Ok here is the very basic form, from the local Tessaban, just to give you some example….if you can read thai, if not-have it translate……..“very basic” wording and stuffs here really.
    Of course there are many garden varieties out there, with more of less in degree of details.
    Sorry don't know how to attach pdf file here, so I just cut/paste, but you get the point
    สัญญาฉบับนี้ทำขึ้นระหว่าง…………………………………………………..…….อ ายุ………….ปี
    .ซึ่งต่อไปในสัญญาจะเรียกว่า “ผู้ว่าจ้าง” ฝ่ายหนึ่ง
    กับ………………………………………………………………..อยู่บ้านเลขที่………………… ….
    จังหวัด………..………..…….……..……….ซึ่งต่อไปในสัญญานี้จะเ รียกว่า “ผู้รับจ้าง” อีกฝ่ายหนึ่ง
    ข้อ 1. ผู้ว่าจ้างตกลงจ้าง และผู้รับจ้างตกลงรับจ้างปลูกสร้างอาคาร………………… .ชั้น ลงใน
    ที่ดินที่ผู้ว่าจ้างเป็นเจ้าของกรรมสิทธิ์ โฉนดหมายเลขที่……………..เลขที่ดิน……………..หน้าสำรว จ
    ………………ตำบล…………………………อำเภอ…………………………จังหวัด……………….… …
    ตามแบบแปลนและรายละเอียดของงานที่แนบท้ายมาและให้ถือ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของสัญญานี้
    ข้อ 2. ผู้รับจ้างตกลงจะทำการก่อสร้างตามสัญญาข้อ 1. ให้เสร็จสิ้นภายในกำหนด…………วัน
    นับแต่วันทำสัญญานี้ซึ่งตรงกับ วันที่…………..เดือน…………………………พ.ศ……………….
    ในกรณีที่เกิดเหตุสุดวิสัยใดๆ ที่ไม่อาจหลีกเลี่ยงได้และเป็นเหตุให้การก่อสร้างดัง กล่าวต้องหยุดชะงัก
    ลงโดยมิใช่ความผิดของฝ่ายผู้รับจ้าง ก็ให้กำหนดเวลาดังกล่าวในวรรคก่อนออกไปเท่าที่สูญเสี ยไปเพราะ
    ข้อ 3. ผู้ว่าจ้างตกลงชำระค่าจ้างให้แก่ผู้รับจ้างเป็นเงินท ั้งสิ้น………………………….……บาท
    (…………..…………………………………….) โดยจะชำระค่าจ้างให้เป็นงวด ๆ รวม…………งวด โดย
    จ่ายตามผลสำเร็จของงาน ซึ่งมีรายละเอียดการชำระค่าจ้างดังนี้
    งวดที่ 1 ชำระเงินค่าจ้าง จำนวน……………………….บาท (……………...……………………)
    เมื่อผู้รับจ้างได้ทำการก่อสร้าง………………………………………………… …………แล้วเสร็จ
    งวดที่ 2 ชำระเงินค่าจ้าง จำนวน……………...……….บาท (……………...……………………)
    เมื่อผู้รับจ้างได้ทำการก่อสร้าง………………………………………………… ……………………แล้วเสร็จ
    Page 1
    งวดที่ 3 ชำระเงินค่าจ้าง จำนวน…………..…………….บาท (…………………….……………)
    เมื่อผู้รับจ้างได้ทำการก่อสร้าง………………………………………………… ……………………แล้วเสร็จ
    งวดที่ 4 ชำระเงินค่าจ้าง จำนวน…………..…………….บาท (………………….....……………)
    เมื่อผู้รับจ้างได้ทำการก่อสร้าง………………………………………………… ……………………แล้วเสร็จ
    หากผู้ว่าจ้างผิดสัญญาไม่ชำระเงินค่าจ้างแก่ผู้รับจ้ างตามสัญญาข้อนี้ ไม่ว่างวดใดก็ตามผู้รับจ้างมี
    สิทธิบอกเลิกสัญญานี้ได้ทันที และให้ถือว่ากรรมสิทธิ์ของอาคารเป็นของผู้รับจ้างโดย ไม่จำต้องคืนเงินค่าจ้าง
    ที่ได้รับไว้แล้ว หากเกิดความเสียหายใด ๆ เนื่องจากการไม่ชำระค่าจ้างตามสัญญาข้อนี้ ผู้ว่าจ้างเป็นผู้รับผิด
    ข้อ 4. วัสดุเครื่องมืออุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ในการก่อสร้างรวมทั้งสั มภาระต่าง ๆ ที่จำเป็นให้………………
    …………….เป็นผู้จัดหา ซึ่งจะต้องใช้วัสดุอุปกรณ์ตามขนาด และคุณภาพดังที่แจ้งไว้ในรายละเอียดแนบ
    ข้อ 5. หากผู้ว่าจ้างประสงค์จะทำการแก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลงก่อสร้า ง ผู้ว่าจ้างจะต้องแจ้งให้ผู้รับจ้าง
    ทราบเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษร โดยผู้ว่าจ้างจะเป็นผู้ออกค่าใช้จ่ายเอง แต่ผู้รับจ้างมีสิทธิที่จะยอมรับหรือไม่ยอม
    รับการแก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลงนั้น ๆ โดยคำนึงถึงความจำเป็นและผลเสียที่อาจเกิดขึ้นเนื่อง จากการแก้ไขเปลี่ยน
    ข้อ 6. ผู้รับจ้างยินยอมให้ผู้ว่าจ้างหรือตัวแทนเข้าตรวจตรา อาคารที่ก่อสร้างเป็นครั้งคราวตาม
    โอกาสที่สมควรแต่ผู้ว่าจ้างต้องไม่ขัดขวางหรือรบกวนก ารก่อสร้าง
    ข้อ 7. หากผู้รับจ้างเห็นว่า งานที่ทำไม่อาจเสร็จสิ้นตามที่กำหนดไว้ในข้อสัญ ญาข้อ 2. ผู้รับจ้าง
    จะเอางานส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งแห่งสัญญาไปให้ผู้อื่นรับจ้า งช่วงอีกทอดหนึ่งได้ ต่อเมื่อได้รับอนุญาตเป็นลาย
    ข้อ 8. ผู้ว่าจ้างจะต้องตรวจรับมอบงานภายใน 7 วัน นับแต่วันที่ผู้รับจ้างได้มีหนังสือแจ้งไป
    หากผู้ว่าจ้างไม่อาจตรวจสอบมอบงานภายในกำหนดให้ถือว่ า ผู้ว่าจ้างได้ตรวจรับมอบงานแล้วโดยปริยาย
    ข้อ 9. ผู้รับจ้างยอมรับผิดชอบในความเสียหายใด ๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นเนื่องมาจากความบกพร่องในการ
    ก่อสร้างของฝ่ายผู้รับจ้างภายใน………………วันนับแต่วันที ่ผู้ว่าจ้างรับมอบงานหรือถือว่ารับมอบงาน
    ข้อ 10. หากผู้รับจ้างไม่ทำการส่งมอบงานที่เสร็จสิ้นทั้ งหมด โดยมิใช่ความผิดของผู้ว่าจ้างภายใน
    กำหนดเวลาที่ระบุไว้ในข้อ 2. ผู้รับจ้างยินยอมให้ผู้ว่าจ้างเรียกร้องให้ชำระปรับว ันละ…………………บาท
    (………………………………………….) จนกว่าจะส่งมอบงานที่เสร็จสิ้นทั้งหมด
    สัญญานี้ทำขึ้นเป็นสองฉบับ มีข้อความถูกต้องตรงกัน โดยคู่สัญญายึดถือไว้ฝ่ายละหนึ่งฉบับ
    คู่สัญญาได้อ่านและเข้าใจข้อความโดยตลอดแล้ว จึงลงลายมือชื่อไว้เป็นพยานหลักฐาน
    Page 2
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    You got to try to help yourself first, as much as you possibly can, ...before asking others
    You will benefit more that way......Well my thought here anyway.

    Ok may be someone wants to shoot me ....for thinking out loud here

    Last edited by mooncake; 14-07-2009 at 06:31 AM.

  4. #4
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooncake View Post

    You got to try to help yourself first, as much as you possibly can, ...before asking others
    You will benefit more that way......Well my thought here anyway.

    Ok may be someone wants to shoot me ....for thinking out loud here

    No shooting here, I agree with you.

    I also find MrRee a bit selfish, trying to get as much as possible without giving away anything. I found the subject interesting, especially since I will soon be involved in an important renovation work, but I will wait for another thread to share my thoughts and experiences.
    The things we regret most is the things we didn't do

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Perota View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mooncake View Post

    You got to try to help yourself first, as much as you possibly can, ...before asking others
    You will benefit more that way......Well my thought here anyway.

    Ok may be someone wants to shoot me ....for thinking out loud here

    No shooting here, I agree with you.

    I also find MrRee a bit selfish, trying to get as much as possible without giving away anything. I found the subject interesting, especially since I will soon be involved in an important renovation work, but I will wait for another thread to share my thoughts and experiences.

    Why is MrRee a bit selfish? For asking Questions? If there where no questions being asked this forum would slow die. This is a forum where you ask for info or advise. If you know the "answer" you reply. If you find the poster a bit selfish than you don`t reply (which is selfish in my view)

    Cheers Johpam

  6. #6
    Cool Cat
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    ^^^ Agree with you, I should have just not replied. But I find the subject interesting, a lot of people have trouble when building a house or renovating a flat, so sharing experience on how to avoid those trouble can be very useful. That's why if MrRee were willing to share his own experience, it'll be fair for those who took time to answer his question.

  7. #7

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    06-05-2010 @ 03:41 AM
    Wow, there sure are some rude people on this board. Some of whom dispense "expert" advice to "make sure you have a contract" in other threads, but are rather rude when a person simply asks "Hey, rather than reinvent the wheel, might I borrow one that has worked for you in the past?". If you feel that way, do everyone a favor and ignore the post rather than interject negativity.

    If I am asked for something - an old document laying around on a hard drive in this case - I have no problem providing it to someone who could use it. It costs nothing and requires little effort to provide. If there is a tool in my closet, my neighbor is always welcome to borrow it. I will not berate him/her and tell him/her to go buy their own.

    There is nothing selfish in asking. Selfishness is having, but not sharing. I would love to share my experiences once I have something to share.

    Forums, are supposed to be communities where people ask questions and share information, not try to pump oneself up by knocking others down.

    Hopefully, those who need to will confront flamers and keep these forums civil. To those who are sincere: thank you for the help.

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    06-05-2010 @ 03:41 AM
    By the way, Mooncake, the original post is "Can someone please upload/post sample Thai/English construction contracts?". Please read before berating others or interjecting sarcasm. It would make you seem more intelligent in your effort to make yourself appear smarter than you are.

  9. #9
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    14-06-2022 @ 04:19 PM
    Mooncake pasted a contract and all you do is give him shit.

  10. #10
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    Honestly not worth the paper it is written on. Not to say it will not be built/done, but this is Thailand. What do you do with the paperwork if the project goes tits up, hit someone with it??????????????????????

    Total vigilance on the jobsite is the key

    Feel good stuff IMO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smithson View Post
    Mooncake pasted a contract and all you do is give him shit.
    I think it is obvious to anyone that it was an attempt at sarcasm. He is clear about that.

    To any who feels the urge: Rather than fight a flame war on the boards, I would appreciate if such posts could be PM'd to me off-board. I will do the same. Thank you. Cheers!

  12. #12


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    I think you will find each company uses their own contracts, I had 3 different contracts I would use depending on works and the customer, plus also an additional work contract which had to be signed before additional work would be done, the additional work contract was mainly to protect us from customers really badly thought out ideas that when finished they wouldn't be so happy with, ie electric points in inaccessable places, windows behind tvs and dumb ideas like that.

  13. #13
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    30-09-2023 @ 02:09 PM
    mr ree have u changed your nick from wanna?. cant understand why your asking about a builders profit, in another thread. if your having a house built,small job, a contract isnt worth the paper its written on, you need inteligent supervision not a contract, of course if u pay the earth for your job then u may get a contract, but probably still worthless. TIT

  14. #14
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    lob, whilct i agree that a contract may not hold as much weight as it does in other countries, it does have some good reasons to have one.
    1. stage payments, these ensure the builder is not paid too much in one go, keeping him on the job a little longer.
    2.completion date, this gives a general guideline to all as to how long the job should take.
    3. liability, this details exactlty what the owner and builder are to supply for the job.preventing delays

    although these items are often broken, just to get the job done. they do act as references and hold some weight.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrRee View Post
    By the way, Mooncake, the original post is "Can someone please upload/post sample Thai/English construction contracts?".
    Well duh I’m not in Thailand at the moment, and that’s all I have in front of me. Just be thankful here a bit, UNCLE!
    anyway...that one is a handout from the local tessaban if you can read thai.....pretty basic stuffs, but better than having none at all for some protection.

    Please read before berating others or interjecting sarcasm.
    Oooooh I did read, and all I was saying is that … too should do some google-ing and “read” it first (thus getting your feet wet), before expecting a free handout from others. You will get more benefits and in turn narrowing your range of questions to the specific.

    It would make you seem more intelligent in your effort to make yourself appear smarter than you are.
    Thanks for noticing the “appear smarter” part….I’m flattered.
    Naaar, I’m not smarter than you, uncle….but just sure know a bit more than you "in this field", with my professional degree from the west and company license pasted all over my wall….that’s all

    Just trying to help ….but anyway….do carry on
    Why should I try to help someone who doesn’t even want to move around and help themselves first.
    Google is one of your friends too nowadays…u know....wealth of info to get your feet wet, for anyone who may be "too green" in anything.
    Last edited by mooncake; 15-07-2009 at 07:52 AM.

  16. #16
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    14-06-2022 @ 04:19 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by lob View Post
    If your having a house built,small job, a contract isnt worth the paper its written on, you need inteligent supervision not a contract, of course if u pay the earth for your job then u may get a contract, but probably still worthless. TIT
    Good points, I'd imagine a lot of reputable builders would be busy and not have extra time for writing or even reading contracts, especially if some were written in English.

    If you are using anyone who has very good English, they are probably expensive. Few Thais speak decent English, those that can usually charge more/are better paid.

    Supervision is the answer, however owners are often in different cities or countries, so self supervision may not be an option. Paying someone to supervise would be expensive and still no gaurantee.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitlid View Post
    lob, whilct i agree that a contract may not hold as much weight as it does in other countries, it does have some good reasons to have one.
    1. stage payments, these ensure the builder is not paid too much in one go, keeping him on the job a little longer.
    2.completion date, this gives a general guideline to all as to how long the job should take.
    3. liability, this details exactlty what the owner and builder are to supply for the job.preventing delays

    although these items are often broken, just to get the job done. they do act as references and hold some weight.

    ive always been on site with my builds so supervision covers all the above, and on paper worthless i fear, if it makes you feel secure go for it, ever heard these contracts challenged, used two different builders and both good lads. one i gave him the cash for materials as required the other he ordered and cash on delivery, over four jobs. never any probs apart from not compacting the soil to my likeing, and the plumber was shit, threw him off site, on one job. must say the tileing is as good as you get, strange they can do that with no training, and the plastering is amazing all by eye. sorry i digress.

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    although these items are often broken, just to get the job done. they do act as references and hold some weight.[/quote]

    yes paper

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitlid View Post
    lob, whilct i agree that a contract may not hold as much weight as it does in other countries, it does have some good reasons to have one.
    1. stage payments, these ensure the builder is not paid too much in one go, keeping him on the job a little longer.
    2.completion date, this gives a general guideline to all as to how long the job should take.
    3. liability, this details exactlty what the owner and builder are to supply for the job.preventing delays

    although these items are often broken, just to get the job done. they do act as references and hold some weight.
    Agree with all your points and I think the 3 rd one is the most important : to make things clear. A lot of problem are based on misunderstanding ... "but I thought you thought ..." and also to prevent memory loss , especially when asking for modification.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitlid View Post
    lob, whilct i agree that a contract may not hold as much weight as it does in other countries, it does have some good reasons to have one.
    1. stage payments, these ensure the builder is not paid too much in one go, keeping him on the job a little longer.
    stage payments, with detailed scope of works for each of the payment stage

    2.completion date, this gives a general guideline to all as to how long the job should take.
    Having the completion date is not enough, you need to specify on "the fine and penalties", if the project is delayed without resonable causes

    3. liability, this details exactlty what the owner and builder are to supply for the job.preventing delays
    always must be accompanied by detailed drawings and specifications, for easier calculation of unit price/total cost -for each side...thus reducing the over/under bids - and better help in the future modifications/or additions of the said materials/works.

    although these items are often broken, just to get the job done. they do act as references and hold some weight.
    and don't forget a few more...such as

    -Plans, drawings, blueprints, sketches ---the devil is in the details (as complete as possible)
    -Specifications - as complete as possible
    -Substitution policy - what is acceptible
    -Change order procedures and pricing ...and when the payment of such works need to be made
    -Exclusions to the contract .....whatever you can think of
    -Authorized delay conditions......what are acceptible by both sides---you don't want the builder to run off to another project or go harvesting his rice and left you hanging too long here

    Last edited by mooncake; 16-07-2009 at 11:40 AM.

  21. #21
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    14-06-2022 @ 04:19 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by mooncake View Post

    and don't forget a few more...such as

    -Plans, drawings, blueprints, sketches ---the devil is in the details (as complete as possible)
    -Specifications - as complete as possible
    -Substitution policy - what is acceptible
    -Change order procedures and pricing ...and when the payment of such works need to be made
    -Exclusions to the contract .....whatever you can think of
    -Authorized delay conditions......what are acceptible by both sides---you don't want the builder to run off to another project or go harvesting his rice and left you hanging too long here


    There's an awful long list being generated here, I reckon a reputable builder would work away due to the bookwork and overly suspicious customer - remember chances are even in hard times, a good builder still has work.

    Having 'fines and penalties' for missing deadline would be enough to scare them away. The country is unreliable, missing a deadline is likely to be due to factors out of the builders control.
    Last edited by Smithson; 16-07-2009 at 12:53 PM.

  22. #22
    Thailand Expat

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smithson View Post

    There's an awful long list ppl being generated here, I reckon a reputable builder would work away due to the bookwork and overly suspicious customer - remember chances are even in hard times, a good builder still has work.

    Having 'fines and penalties' for missing deadline would be enough to scare them away. The country is unreliable, missing a deadline is likely to be due to factors out of the builders control.
    The agreement contract is between you and your builder...many times with the bank also.

    What may seem silly for you may not seem silly for others.
    I just throw everything in like a fruitecake, what I had when my family had the house built couple years ago,...those were on the list.

    I don't know where do you all trying to build, but believe it or example is between thai-thai+thai bkk
    worked fine, no major problem.....this was about 10 years ago.
    ....but of course we weren't trying to build a shack.


  23. #23
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    20-10-2023 @ 08:43 PM
    Ban Chang

    I agree with everything you have stated, but I would like to ask how would you enforce the conditions of the contract between Thai builder and Farang paying cash staged payments?
    What if it comes down to the final 5% stage payment and a major f**k up is discovered. How would you stop him running away and fix the problems? Many farang don't supervise the construction because they are not in country and only really inspect at the completion, no way I would but it has happened.

  24. #24
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    14-06-2022 @ 04:19 PM
    ^ Thanks for the info. Could you let us know roughly what the size of the house or prices, something to help put things in perspective.

    A lot of ppl are building places in Isaan, I'd imagine the process to be different there. On a small job so much paperwork would add to the costs considerably and is still no guarantee.

  25. #25
    Thailand Expat

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    Quote Originally Posted by skidley View Post

    I agree with everything you have stated, but I would like to ask how would you enforce the conditions of the contract between Thai builder and Farang paying cash staged payments?
    Like I said, scope of work for the specific draw should be detailed in the contract!!!
    Do not ever have a weak knees!
    Do not pay when the works is not performed/completed….simple as that

    What if it comes down to the final 5% stage payment and a major f**k up is discovered. How would you stop him running away and fix the problems?
    You can’t stop them from running away, but you can take them to court later on. That’s why you got to take time finding the reputable ones and visit the on going project they might have, establish your standard what is acceptable but you got to know if your builder is capable nor not, ask many questions …etcs.
    Many people think it’s would be a walk in the park to have it built,…. just because you have the money it doesn’t mean “miracle” will happen.

    Don’t always blame others for your own mishaps and downfalls, you’re a part of the problem too….my thought here

    [color="Yellow"]Many farang don't supervise the construction because they are not in country and only really inspect at the completion, no way I would but it has happened.

    Not only they don’t supervise, but many times they do not even have the knowledge in the construction or armed themselves prior ….that’s where most of the problems stem from.
    again.... Don’t always blame others for your own mishaps and downfalls, you’re a part of the problem too….my thought here

    In the construction business, dog eats dog….and you trust “no body”!…until the project completed.
    If you don’t know what you are doing, the contractor will pick pocket you dried

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