Had to pass in some real estate docs early in the morno, then pick em up a few hours later, so decided to spend the time wandering around like a homeless person.
Nice ol’ park area next to one of the old city walls.
To Buakhaad park.
Was gonna use the free gym to loosen up and get pumped a bit and then go for the free massage.
Free if you can outrun the old woman masseuseses. Which is easy as they're really really old.
But they were off duty and the two lads looked a bit creepy. Looked like they’d be the kind weirdos to follow people around taking photos of their legs and thesuch.
So went down toDodgy Dirk-Street to ‘av me pegs kneaded.
And kneaded they were.
Time to setup lunch at Peshies.
Misskit was busy washing her news. Blown out.
Haz was busy hacking up perfectly good news reports. Blown out.
Cyrille was busy grammaring, Blown out.
David44 was… I’m not too sure as couldn’t really understand what he was on about.
MtD was busy eating already. Blown out.
CMN, busy coding Ubunto. Blown out.
Edith. Working.
Gym guys. Working.
Thai school guys. Working or studying. Blown out out out.
Worshiper #4.
Blown out.
Worshiper #6.
Blown out.
Finally got hold of me childhood buddy Daniel, and went to a delish Indian-Paki place.
I had the usual.
He went with the Tikka Masala.
Despite being invisible, he’s a top lad and ordered it takeaway, then gave it to me to take back for lunch tomorrow.
Oddly enough, not tempted to get baked and spend the day chatting with me invisible mate Daniel.
Through Touristville.
Completely differentthan 15-20 years ago. Almost no backpackers, and the main demographic by far are the Spanish couples aged 25-35. Clean cut and pleasant.
Would say that around 95% are from Spain, with around 5% from Legland.
Cyrille Heaven.
Was actually really good. Massive selection of topics and genres, will be back with a suitcase. The only one I could squeeze into be bag without the cashier seeing was this wee gem.
This time next year.....
Reckon a few more months and I could take on Arson.
Not a bad bitt o' distance for the day.
The real estate agent was getting etchy about time so I had to turn off me apps and run the last 5km for exercise.
5km in 4 mins 23seconds ain’t bad.