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  1. #3076
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    A palace indeed. May well become a major tourist attraction.
    Well, we are already on Google maps, and there are already 3 reviews, so you could be right!

    Google Maps

    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Well done TD. From the very first few posts I could see this was going to be a classic thread.

    Thank you for putting in the time and energy to document the "project".
    I enjoyed telling the tale, and I hope it kept one or two of you suitably entertained when there was nothing else to do!

    Thanks once again to all who contributed a reply to, suggested a solution for, or simply followed the story.

    I really appreciated the company along this journey.

  2. #3077
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    Finishing the thread - taming the jungle within the boundary wall.

    I was actually looking forward to the point when i would be able to 'potter about' in the garden.

    The reality is somewhat different to my original rose-tinted view of this.

    1. its bloody hot
    2. and humid for a lot of the time
    3. weed growth is relentless. not helped by PJ 'cutting the tops off' with her hoe, leaving the root intact to grow and often leaving ripe seed cases to spawn again
    4. general ineffectiveness of weed-killer
    5. There's a LOT of stones in the soil. K.Pot was a little lax in that cleanup. I'm now doing it but its a slow process

    Despite all that, we have moved on from the wilderness we started with.

    PJ of course wanted to turn the whole thing into a market garden, with chickens.

    While I like the idea of chickens, I'm no sure they are as low maintenance as she says.

    Once she had a garden frame made... fair play, she made it herself, and had planted a load of veggie type stuff, chilies', egg plants, etc. etc., I just went out there one morning and started planning a jungle-type garden - a mix of palms, heliconia's, bromeliads, ferns, bamboo and a bunch of fill-in plants too. irregular shaped borders and paths between. its small now but when mature I hope one could lose oneself for a while, if 'one' wanted to.

    Here's the pix, both of it, and the rest of the plot. Its 'work in progress' but at least, there has been some ...progress

    The 'jungle garden' (it's not really a jungle, dont know what else to call it though!) taking shape. I know a lot of the plants are small now but they will shoot up, providing the shade beneath their canopy
    Some of the small ground cover plants are spreading out nicely, now.

    One of the paths into that 'jungle area, marked by a date palm I brought as a seed from Abu Dhabi and grew into this.

    This was my idea for a kitchen garden. to compliment the mint and chili being grown nearby. I envisaged rosemary, oregano, ginger, etc. Trouble is... none of it grew. 2 attempts ended in disappointment. I thought the soil must be poisoned or something.

    but now...carrots, leeks, red cabbage, potatoes all growing nicely

    she made that growing frame. Currently she's drying clothes on it! lol but theres tomatoes growing below.

    This part of the garden was once called 'mango-land'.
    then we felled 9 of the 11 mango trees which were well past their prime, and pollarded the other two.
    Now she's planting a mixture of fruiting trees and ornamentals.
    The soil was raised up but in his desire to make it level and flat, the machine operator pressed it down into what resembles a layer of concrete!
    At least that slows the weeds down. Chickens will eventually go here, too.
    the 2 remaining mango trees did nothing last year but this year a mass of new growth, flowers and now mangoes forming.

    We built that car port in December, and concreted an apron in front of it, leading to the gate.

    Now PJ is planting up all around it:

    My attempt at some formal borders, 4 of them down the side of the house.

    Another plant frame, also built by PJ, but i have taken it over with 15 green cardamom plants.
    I know theres money to be made with cardamom, just want to see if they will grow here.
    they need shade so maybe this frame is letting too much light in, and there is leaf burn.
    If its a success though, I will look to plant a load between the rubber trees in Land no.1

    General view of this part of the garden. The banana 'plantation' in the corner came from a single tree that was the one used in the good luck blessing. its thriving, thank god!

  3. #3078
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    TD, an excellent thread and great to see it all come together so well. Enjoy your new home.

  4. #3079
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    TD, an excellent thread and great to see it all come together so well. Enjoy your new home.
    Thanks so much!

    We got there in the end, and ....I got here in the end!

    I will probably do n 'update' in 6 months or so , mainly for the garden.

  5. #3080
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    Finishing the thread - ''and finally...'''

    A few random pix to set the scene for where we are now:

    Better photo of that pool zone.
    It will be a walk-in lagoon style pool, max 1.4 -1.5m deep, organic shape and hopefully, with a waterfall

    Front pedestrian access, and yes...with working bell

    The next collection of plants waiting to be found homes for on the plot

    Like I told before, the kitchen cabinets are finished, drawers all working etc but until the granite comes, we have plywood worktops. the working hob was essential.
    PJ has totally embraced induction cooking now so no gas needed, much to my relief

    View of the house as you approach via the lane, from Bo Kwang Thong. Municipality lady's bungalow in the foreground

    View of the house as you approach on the same lane, coming from Bangkok

    The finished carport

    Got some asparagus growing nicely

    ...and strawberries

    We got the house registered as soon as we could, because we needed water and power connections, and waste collection

    And lastly...Princess Joy. Couldn't have done it without her, especially all that time I was in the Middle East. She's an absolute star.
    Here taking a well earned rest in the hammock!

    Cheers all!

  6. #3081
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    Hi TD,

    Congratulations on a fantastic completed house build!
    Thank you, also, for this biblical chronicle, and also to all the posters and contributors, who have made this a truly monumental thread.

    I live in Chonburi city, so not too far from you. The wife and I have been in the planning stages of building a house for a while now. We got the land markers put down for her plot last week. Soon we will be commissioning an architect/draftsman and builder. I just this evening finished reading this thread. I have been studiously jotting down notes the whole way through. This thread has been a tremendous resource for my planning.

    Once again, thanks!

  7. #3082
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc View Post
    Congratulations on a fantastic completed house build!
    It's a dandy thread for sure. Looking forward to yours.

  8. #3083
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Yes an interesting and feel good thread put together by an obviously happy and creative couple.

  9. #3084
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Looking great, I look forward to the established garden pics and lagoon style pond/pool.

  10. #3085
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    Yes an interesting and feel good thread put together by an obviously happy and creative couple.
    Many thanks LoyToy for that and for your contributions over the build!

  11. #3086
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    Looking great, I look forward to the established garden pics and lagoon style pond/pool.
    Thanks TRK, and, as promised, update garden pics will follow in due course!

  12. #3087
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    It's a dandy thread for sure. Looking forward to yours.
    Me too!

    lol, thanks Norton for your contributions over the build...much appreciated!

  13. #3088
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    My pleasure. How are you getting on these days?

  14. #3089
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    My pleasure. How are you getting on these days?

    Like most, I suppose, we are not really travelling around too much, but we are not completely 'hermiting' either. aside from the 90-day reporting trips, we have been to Lat Krabang and KingKeow (BKK suburbs) 3 or 4 times for family visits, without any restrictions. We have been across to Chonburi and Panat Nikhom quite a few times too. i think those checkpoints are enforced with varying degrees - so far, we have encountered ...none! family have been to visit here, and of course at the moment daughter 1 and 2 are in residence as the schools are not opening until 1st June at the earliest.

    Mostly we have been fighti.. removing weed growth and planting up the gardens, and various small jobs in the house to turn it into a home. As I mentioned before, I built the kitchen but it now needs the face frame fitted, and finally this week I am starting on the dressing room cabinetry.

    Everything else is sort of 'on hold' until we are in better times, which is a long way off. I noticed that now they are talking at the earliest October before any slight opening up of tourism will be considered but I think this talk is mainly to make the resort businesses think that there is hope and something will be happening. Honestly I cant see anything on the tourist front until Q2 2022, fully a year later that the government were touting back in august 2020! (slow vaccine rollout, general lack of any planning for any sort of reopening, suspicion of other countries and their arrangements, and in turn lack of desire for mainstream tourism due to the quarantine requirement at each end AT THE MOMENT are all contributing to my current view)

    Lets see....

  15. #3090
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc View Post
    Hi TD,

    Congratulations on a fantastic completed house build!
    Thank you, also, for this biblical chronicle, and also to all the posters and contributors, who have made this a truly monumental thread.

    I live in Chonburi city, so not too far from you. The wife and I have been in the planning stages of building a house for a while now. We got the land markers put down for her plot last week. Soon we will be commissioning an architect/draftsman and builder. I just this evening finished reading this thread. I have been studiously jotting down notes the whole way through. This thread has been a tremendous resource for my planning.

    Once again, thanks!
    Hey, manc... thanks for the comment... glad you found it useful.

    It's exactly what I tried to do - tell the build story and maybe help others coming behind me.

    We were in Chonburi not so long ago for my 90 day reporting - you are right...not far at all. What you are doing now, with design, architect, builders, etc. is so important. dont rush it!

    Drop me a message if you need any more - good luck with yours!

  16. #3091
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    Hi TD,

    Sorry for the tardy response. I have been busy!

    An awful lot of work has gone into the project already, but it has mainly been land issues. We only just requested final drawings from the architect on Saturday. Those will be ready in a month.

    We want to speak to a few builders, even though I am inclined to go with a family acquaintance, who will almost certainly get the job. All routes have risks, but I feel more secure going with people who we know (friends of the family), as there is less chance of being mugged off. Shaming and loss of face have a bit of currency over here, so it could be leverage if anything goes wrong.

    To this end, I wanted to private message you to inquire about your builder and if you would be willing to pass on k. Pot's contact details – that is if you still recommend him and don't mind me asking. I could not send you a private message as I don't have the authorisation as a newb. If you would be willing to private message me a phone number I would be very grateful.

    One possible builder who was recommended to us, who is a family friend of a close friend of the missus, already knocked us back, because he does not want to do 'labour-only'. I think that could also limit our scope, which is why ultimately the FiL's suggested builder, and family friend, is very likely to be commissioned in the end. As others will no doubt be quick to point out, though, it is wise to speak to a few people rather than to limit the search; for prudence's sake and for peace of mind afterwards.

    I would like to do a build thread of my own. Norton tee'd me up a few posts ago, and I am tempted. But with me working, I am struggling to find the time to manage the project itself as it is. I even wanted to post some photos of the house plans here to give you all an insight, but it did not work. Presumably, once again, I have insufficient rights as a newb. And the thought of writing out 50 mindless posts in the games thread, when I could be using my time more productively, just puts me off, unfortunately.

    Maybe I will change my mind and invest some time in a few weeks. In the meantime, thanks once again!

    And keep us up to date with this project please. The build is over, but the project continues – would love to see how the kitchen and garden turn out.


  17. #3092

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    Sorry for the slight gravedig but this thread is too good to not bump haha

    Thanks for this amazing journey you have shared with us, very helpful for those of us planning a build. You've also inspired me to document my own journey in a forum thread, so others can also learn from my mistakes and have an easier time building their dream home.

  18. #3093

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moh G View Post
    Sorry for the slight gravedig but this thread is too good to not bump haha

    Thanks for this amazing journey you have shared with us, very helpful for those of us planning a build. You've also inspired me to document my own journey in a forum thread, so others can also learn from my mistakes and have an easier time building their dream home.
    I also just went through this thread. Lots of good information, but after page 64 until page 121 or so, no pictures showed up at all. I was looking forward to seeing the steps the builder used to create the wood effect.

    hey @Thai Dhupp, what is your youtube channel? Thanks!

  19. #3094
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moh G View Post
    Sorry for the slight gravedig but this thread is too good to not bump haha

    Thanks for this amazing journey you have shared with us, very helpful for those of us planning a build. You've also inspired me to document my own journey in a forum thread, so others can also learn from my mistakes and have an easier time building their dream home.
    Hi apologies necessary, and you're most welcome on the thread at any time!!

    In fact, the thread is doing exactly what I hoped - detail my build, and help others coming along behind me.

    Thanks for stopping by and looking forward to reading yours!

  20. #3095
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    Quote Originally Posted by Froggy View Post
    I also just went through this thread. Lots of good information, but after page 64 until page 121 or so, no pictures showed up at all. I was looking forward to seeing the steps the builder used to create the wood effect.

    hey @Thai Dhupp, what is your youtube channel? Thanks!
    Hi Froggy!

    Yeah.. a lot of thread to read..I think I went overboard on detail but it's been worth it if it helps others!

    Disappearing photos? not sure about that one. it did happen once before but Norton managed to 'recover' the lost pics - hopefully, he can read this and work his magic!

    The YouTube channel is 'coming' with all the videos - I am just been too busy (writing a novel, if you want to know!) to focus my attention on it. I'm hoping to make a start on the video editing later this year.

    BTW..If anyone knows a Literary Agent who might be open to a Crime fiction novel, 88,500 words, please let me know!!

  21. #3096
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    OK...I just checked the pages in question - all photos are visible to me, so maybe this has already been fixed by admin?

    Thanks anyway, whoever did it!

  22. #3097

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    Hi Froggy!

    Yeah.. a lot of thread to read..I think I went overboard on detail but it's been worth it if it helps others!

    Disappearing photos? not sure about that one. it did happen once before but Norton managed to 'recover' the lost pics - hopefully, he can read this and work his magic!

    The YouTube channel is 'coming' with all the videos - I am just been too busy (writing a novel, if you want to know!) to focus my attention on it. I'm hoping to make a start on the video editing later this year.

    BTW..If anyone knows a Literary Agent who might be open to a Crime fiction novel, 88,500 words, please let me know!!
    Look forward to the videos!

  23. #3098

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    And yes, I can see the photos now.

  24. #3099

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    Hi, just registered - been lurking for a while!
    Just want to say thanks to Thai Dupp for a very well written, entertaining and educational build journey - learned a great deal which will be put to good use eventually!
    All the best with your house, I know it's been a while since it was completed.

    Have you made any changes or you're happy with everything and have finally "retired" from building/project management?

  25. #3100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    Disappearing photos? not sure about that one. it did happen once before but Norton managed to 'recover' the lost pics - hopefully, he can read this and work his magic!
    Norton no longer has the power to work his sorcery.

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