Anyone know a Korat silk wicker who could also be a fan?
Anyone know a Korat silk wicker who could also be a fan?
^^ Most folk stumbled on that classic song nigh on 50 year ago... before all that Britpop nonsense was even thought about!
What was that song 'New York' that a band did as 'Newport', or something like that?
That was good.
Newport State of Mind
be aware there are 2 versions, other is called Your Not From Newport
^ Can you believe that I grew up only about 20 miles away as the crow flies from these people?
It's amazing the difference the Bristol Channel makes.
Ive had a go at a little parody meself, regarding a certain poster close to shore leave.
I've got 2 achers for Soi 23
Ooh arr Ooh arr
Now I've got brand new camo combat pants
And I'll give you this... fungal crotch rash
Ooh arr Ooh arr
Yeah... thank God for humour...
Yes, yes you would?
Oh okay, one minute please.
I get up when I want
Except on days ending in Y
When I get rudely awakened by the nagging.
I put on my wicker-undies, have a cup of yaa-dong
And I think about leaving the wife's house
I feed the dogs, I sometimes feed Ootai too
It gives me an enormous sense of well-being
And then I'm happy for the rest of the day
Safe in the knowledge there will always be
A bit of my heart devoted to it
Allllllllll the places.
So many places.
And I haaad tooo end up here.
End up in this bladdy, pondlife
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