Thai Ducks Main Page

Scientific Name : Tadorna ferruginea

General Characteristics : Is the medium to large sized bird with the body length of approximately 64 centimeters. The general characteristics are the same as the goose but it has longer legs and shorter neck. In general, the body is reddish brown with orange. The area around the head is light brown. While flying, we can see the white feathers covering the wing which contrasts with black feathers of the upper and the lower part of the wing. The feathers are shiny green. The mouth and the finger are black. The male has black round-neck line. The female does not have the round-neck line.

Habitat / Food : Can be found in Africa, Eurasia, India, China, Taiwan, Myanmar, Thailand, the north of Vietnam, and Tungkia bay area.The Ruddy Shelduck eats aquatic plant and aquatic animal near the shoreline or near the grass field which is not very far from the water source.

Behavior / Mating : Lives near the large river, the rice field that is full of water, or the water source in the plain. It can be found in pairs or in a troop. It can fly well, and can swim very well. While taking a rest, it will stand on the ground or near the shallow shoreline. It normally stands still or shrink its neck. When there is any danger or an irritation, it will fly up or swim in the water.The Ruddy Shelduck does not build the nest for laying the eggs in Thailand.

Current Status : Is the bird that migrates to Thailand during the off-breeding season, can rarely be found, and has a small number. It can be found in the North, the Northeast, and some part of the Central. It is categorized as a protected wild animal according to Wild Animals Preservation and Protection Act B.E. 2535

Visiting Location : Khao Kheow Open Zoo (Khao Kheow Open Zoo/Sri Racha), Chiang Mai Zoo, Song Khla Zoo